Hi Sir
I was told that for NetApp Partner or NetApp Customer, Snap Creator Framework and application plug-ins for MySQL, DB2 and Oracle (Snap Creator v3.3), is available free of cost and downloadable at http://now.netapp.com under software downloads section starting Jan 3rd week. Support through NGS is available for customers with a valid NetApp storage system support entitlement.
In new PB for SC3.4, It said:
To encourage customers to move quickly from older versions of Snap Creator to NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4, the software will be available free of charge from the NetApp Support site (formerly NOW®). Support for NetApp Snap Creator Framework 3.4 will be available free of charge through December 31, 2011, for customers with existing and valid hardware support entitlement arrangements with NetApp.
Does it mean NGS support for SC will be not free after Dec. 31 2011? What's our plan about that?
Thanks and Best Regards!