Data Infrastructure Insights

HTTP 500 error for all NetApp ONTAP Data Management Software collectors


We are testing NCI and it seems to work fine for the most part.


I was unable to add our HyperV environment due to some http 500 error, which I assumed had something to do with our network configuration.


However after about 2 weeks, AU stopped being able to collect data for all our ONTAP systems, also with http error 500:


Internal error: Cannot update server (Failed to execute the http method for request 500 error is Internal Server Error)


I tried installing a new AU, but all ONTAP collectors there showed the exact same error, except for the last number behind SANSCREEN, which seems to be related to the collector added to NCI.

The logging on the AU itself doesn't show much more than that error as well, so troubleshooting is very difficult.

Anyone ever had this kind of issue?
