Data Protection

110K Users Exchange Environment and SME


Hi all. 


I'm currently planning for 110K users Exchnage 2K13 enviorment that will use NetApp cDOT systems as the storage infra + SME and snapvault for backup and recovery. 


The environemt consists from multiple DAGs with 3 DB copies. Each server in each DAG will be configured with 12 active and 12 passive DBs. 


The customer want to create snaps only on the Local Passive and Remote passive copies of the each DAG. 


As part of the planning we need to provide an automated solutoin that create the SME backup parameters in a way that: 


- no more than 3 DBs on each servers will be backed up simultanusly (following successful backup of the 1st 3 the next 3 will start)

- in case of DAG failure on the AP2/AP3 copies the backup should be done on the Active DB (AP1) 


Did any of you created or aware of such automation already created ? can you share other approches to use SME is such big implementations ? 


Thanks !

