Posted this as google did not have any hits for the error message and I hope this post will help you in the future.
When trying to restore from FC Tape to a filer via NDMP, the job fails and the filer console has the error:
"Fri Jul 16 00:10:52 BST [SAN01: tape.cmd.chkCondErr:error]: Tape device WI02:15.2: Check Condition: SCSI Op Code Read(06) (CDB 0x08: 0x010000 bytes): illegal request - (0x5 - 0xee 0x2 0x30)."
Long story short, it was an LTO4 tape with encyption enabled. The tape could not talk to the key managament server due to a network issue. Resolve the network error and the NDMP job starts working...