Data Protection
Data Protection
We just upgraded to ontap 8 on our FAS3240, and are now using vfilers.
I ran in a problem today when I created a new sql server, and wanted to use some volumes on the fas3240.
I created the volumes in the oncommand system mananger.
In putty, I changed the vfiler context to the vfiler where the volumes are placed, and created an igroup to the iscsi initiator name on the sql server.
Now I would like to establish a connection with snapdrive using iSCSI management on the sql server, but the vfiler interface with the iSCSI on the fas3240 are not showing up , only the default interface on the fas3240.
I would like to establish a connection to the vfiler with the iSCSI protocol.
What configuration am I missing ? Do I have to add the igroup to some port ?
When I try to create a disk I'm notified that there is no iSCSI connection to the specified system, so I can see the qtree I've created.
Help would be very much appreciated 🙂
Solved! See The Solution
I found out what the problem was, I hadn't assigned the volume to the vfiler "vfiler add vf_ISCSI105 /vol/vol_H_vfISCSI105_SQLS_sys_05"
Thankyou for your help.
You have to connect to vfiler you created, not to vfiler0 (physical system). From SnapDrive point of view each vfiler is separate filer which has to be added separately to SnapDrive.
Inside the vFiler is options httpd.admin.enabled on?
I've added the igroup in the correct vfiler context. I can see the other igroups created for the other sql servers using storage on the vfiler.
The httpd must be enabled because the other sql servers are up and running with access to the fas3240 volumes.
Can snapdrive create a new small trst drive in the vFiler? It will create an igroup And Lun. If other servers can see Luns in the vFiler it must be network or something on this one specific host.
No when I create a disk with snapdrive I'm notified by the wizard that I have to create an new iSCSI connection to the storage system. So I can't create a disk.
I can ping the vfiler iSCSI interface, but it is not showing up when I try to create a new iSCSI connection.
There is no access list on the vfiler, but it looks like i'm missing the membership of a group or something like that.
Can you create the new session when it gives the message? Or go to the iscsi app separately and connect to port 3260 to the vFiler ip?
No the wizard insist that I have to create a session, to create a disk. And I can't create a disk manually.
Can you create a session from the iscsi initiator? Compare to other servers that are working.
Please show full output of “sdcli igroup list -f vfiler-IP” where vfiler-IP - IP address of vfiler you created.
vf_ISCSI105@fasdc02> igroup show
sv-sqls-007 (iSCSI) (ostype: windows): (logged in on: ig_10gportA-105) (iSCSI) (ostype: windows): (logged in on: ig_10gportA-105) (iSCSI) (ostype: windows): (logged in on: ig_10gportA-105) (iSCSI) (ostype: windows): (logged in on: ig_10gportA-105) (iSCSI) (ostype: windows): (logged in on: ig_10gportA-105)
It is the igroup sv-sqls-007 I got a problem connecting to from the sql server
It is not what I asked.
I found out what the problem was, I hadn't assigned the volume to the vfiler "vfiler add vf_ISCSI105 /vol/vol_H_vfISCSI105_SQLS_sys_05"
Thankyou for your help.