Data Protection
Data Protection
We are experiencing issues with VSC since upgrading to 6.2
We are running our VMs over NFS with VMDKs
After a couple of days we start seeing SnapManager for SQL jobs failing due to SnapDrive no longer being able to enumerate the drives, we also can no longer see VSC Backup jobs (SMVI) from the VSC Web console.
After we restart the VSC services everything goes back to normal but it happens again after a couple of days.
We are running Snapdrive 7.1.3P1
In the Snapdrive logs we are seeing the following messages:
Failed to enumerate VMDK disks. Reasons Failed to authenticate user ***** with vCenter Server {VCenter Server}.
enumerate_VMDK_disks Failed with -1073475470
The SMSQL backup fails because it does not think the databases are on Netapp storage becuase of the issue with Snapdrive being unable to enumerate VMDK drives.
Yes we properly deregistered VSC 6.1 ensuring we removed the web plugins from VCenter and then installed and regisitered the new VSC 6.2.
If VSC 6.2 was not registered then nothing would work, we wouldn't see the VSC dashboard in VCenter and have the VSC options on the menu's in VCenter, it's all working fine but fails after a few days.