Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi All
I have couple of servers connected to Node1 and few other servers to Node2.
So when I do a takeover from node2 or node1 and vice versa, how can I achieve HA.
I did a test with few LUNs connected given to Win host from Node 1 and I did a takeover from Node2..
when I logged onto the Win host and noticed that all the NetApp LUNs from Node1 has been disappeared.
And when I did a giveback then I was able to see all the LUNs again.
I Want to know is there any turn around to achieve HA so that when we do takeover from 2 to 1 or 1 to 2 hosts wont loose access to the storage.
thanks in advance.
Solved! See The Solution
zoned the server to both Filers,
installed SD and DSM..
created 2 igroups on the Win host. one for Filer 1 and other for Filer2. ( so that if 1 goes down, 2 can takeover)
made sure that each LUN had multiple paths visible under DSM.
did takeover and giveback, disabled couple of paths. havent lost any access to the LUNs.
I have couple of servers connected to Node1 and few other servers to Node2.
So when I do a takeover from node2 or node1 and vice versa, how can I achieve HA.
You can't in this configuration. To achieve HA host must be connected to both NetApp controllers.
How do you expect it to work? If host is connected to Node1 and Node1 is not available - how host can access data?
thanks for the reply.
i will zone win host to both controllers and check.
qq, so in this case, will the I/O be done though only 1 path or both 2 paths ?
hi Aborzenkov
i tried to zone both Node 1 and 2
and did a takeover from 2 and same thing happened.. all the LUNs from node 1 disappeared and even after giveback i couldnt see the Node 1 LUNs
i had to reboot the host to get the LUNs appear under disk mgmt.
does any one have their SAN envt in HA, if so can you post the options here.
It is not enough to simply zone both NetApp controllers to host. Hosts (and NetApp) have to be properly configured for multipathing so they can handle path failures.
Hi there,
Install the host utility kit and DSM from NetApp and verify the path from hosts to filers, or use the MPIO.
thank you,
i have snapdrive installed on the host.
that doesn't show how each lun will reach the both controllers and other properties. Host utility kit is free and dsm requires licensing. If you don't want to use dsm, use the microsoft MPIO feature.
thank you,
had some hot fixes issues while installing DSM , but at last was able to install DSM on the host.
under DSM, for each device i see that only 3 paths visible instead of 4 paths. ( 2 from Node 1 and 2 from Node 2 ) any idea why DSM is picking up only 3 paths for each device
I would suggest you head back through the entire setup. Check that all FCP target ports are properly zoned to each initiator. You've already gotten the MPIO DSM installed and should make sure the FCP Host Utils are also installed. There are important disk timeout and HBA settings the Host Utils take care of so you don't have to set them manually. I would then make sure that the igroup on the array has all the initiator WWPNs listed if you have more than one HBA port on the Win host assigned to LUN access. I would imagine the issue is still somewhere in zoning if you are seeing 3 paths.....maybe one initiator is not included in a zone to the target array?
Current DSM does all necessary settings so host utilities are not required for it (IIRC they actually skip settings if DSM is detected). From DSM release notes:
The Windows Host Utilities are no longer required. The Windows Host Utilities components that enable you to configure Hyper-V systems (mbralign.exe and LinuxGuestConfig.iso) are now included with the DSM. While no longer required, installing the Windows Host Utilities on the same host as the DSM is still supported.
Have you verifed the below?
1. Check to make sure both nodes on the cluster have identical hosts (wwpn) logged into the “vtic”
If they are not -- check your SAN Switch Zoning.
can you please explain whats the diff b/w
(logged in on: vtic, 0d) -->
(logged in on: 0c) -->
(logged in on: vtic) -->
Vtic means that initiator is logged in on partner and works via interconnect.
pls check in the device manager for the number of physical devices that correspond to the number of paths.
(enable hidden devices)
checked the zoning and i can see all WWNs in zoneset
zoned the server to both Filers,
installed SD and DSM..
created 2 igroups on the Win host. one for Filer 1 and other for Filer2. ( so that if 1 goes down, 2 can takeover)
made sure that each LUN had multiple paths visible under DSM.
did takeover and giveback, disabled couple of paths. havent lost any access to the LUNs.
Hi Vijay
What do you mean for installed SD?