Data Protection

Netapp Backup Exec NDMP Setting



I am new to the the topic Netapp, Backup Exec and NDMP and would like to configure the best method for backup.

At the moment we backup our netapp volumes with ndmp with backup exec with the ndmp option -> 0 full backup.

Actually our backup strategie would be Monday-Thursday incremental and Friday full backup. So at the moment we backup files from other ressources incemental but with ndmp from netapp the stting ist -> full.

So our backup to disk consumes a lot of space and takes a very long time which is making problems.

Can I just change the ndmp setting to -> 1 incremental ? Can ndmp do incremental backups and is it the same as with other not ndmp ressources? So if I would set it to option 1 inc. for the mo-thur backups it would make a full on friday and inc. from mo-thursday. Does this make sense...i'm a little confused.

I am not quite sure if I should change the setting.

Maybe you can give me advice and help to find the best solution.

Thank you in advance!




Yes... most set full day one (level 0) then incremental (1-9) for incremental backups... backups use the same levels as dump.  Level 0 is full, level 1 is differental (incremental of 0) and 2-9 are incrementals of each other...if you repeat level 9 you get a differential of 8.
