I am using SMSQL5.0R1 for x64 backing up SQL 2008 running on Windows 2008 R2 x64.
I have tried to run the following code in the PowerShell window:
new-backup -Server 'LISSQLMNG1' -RetainBackups 5 -BkupSIF -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 5 -Mgmt daily -Command
-RunCommand C:\bat\SMSQL\GetSnapshotName.bat -CmdArgs '$SqlSnapshot'
Basically, I want to backup all the databases on my server, and export the name of the snapshot created to a file so that I could connect them to another server and back them up as a local disk on my backup server.
Here is what I see happening:
Report file will be created on SQLMNG1
Report File Path:
C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\Report\Run Command [SQLMNG1]\04-12-2010_15.49.56.txt
Time Stamp: 04-12-2010_15.49.56
Run Command Host: SQLMNG1
Command Path:
Command Arguments:
Parsed Command Arguments:
Launching the specified command by shell execute...
Error Code: 0x80004005
Unspecified error
Preparing for Sending Filer AutoSupport...
No filer autosupport message is sent on success.
Error Code: 0x80004005
Unspecified error
An Error occurred in the backup process.Please verify the results.
Details :
Error Code: 0x80004005
Unspecified error
new-backup : The new-backup has completed with errors.
At line:1 char:11
+ new-backup <<<< -Server 'SQLMNG1' -RetainBackups 5 -BkupSIF -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 5 -Mgmt daily -Command -RunComm
and C:\bat\SMSQL\GetSnapshotName.bat -CmdArgs '$SqlSnapshot'
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidResult: (SMSQLPSSnapIn.SMSQLBackup:SMSQLBackup) [new-backup], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Error: new-backup,SMSQLPSSnapIn.SMSQLBackup
new-backup : The Backup operation completed with errors.Please check the SnapManager Reports/Windows EventLogs for more
At line:1 char:11
+ new-backup <<<< -Server 'LISSQLMNG1' -RetainBackups 5 -BkupSIF -RetainSnapofSnapInfo 5 -Mgmt daily -Command -RunComm
and C:\bat\SMSQL\GetSnapshotName.bat -CmdArgs '$SqlSnapshot'
+ CategoryInfo : OpenError: (SMSQLPSSnapIn.SMSQLBackup:SMSQLBackup) [new-backup], Exception
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : [new-backup completed with errors],SMSQLPSSnapIn.SMSQLBackup
I see the backup "hang" for a while trying to run "C:\bat\SMSQL\GetSnapshotName.bat" before it times out and returns an error.
The contents of "C:\bat\SMSQL\GetSnapshotName.bat":
REM Output the snapshot name to a text file
echo %1 >> C:\bat\SMSQL\SnapshotNames.txt
I tried renaming the file extension to .cmd, .ps1 - nothing worked. What is going on here?
Also - question 2 - I don't see any snapshots generated for my System Database LUN/Volume on my filer - how can I mount the snapshot of those DBs using SnapDrive?