Data Protection

SME 6.0.4 + Exchange 2010: log copies are still retained in the SnapInfo directory even if the –NoUTMRestore switch is used


Hi ,

we are using Snapmanager for Exchange 6.0.4 with Exchange 2010 ( and we changed the Backup options from:

 SMEJobLauncher.exe new-backup -Server 'XXX' -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -RetainBackups 21 –RetainUtmBackups 1 -StorageGroup 'XXX','YYY' -UseMountPoint  -MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $False


 SMEJobLauncher.exe new-backup -Server 'XXX' -ManagementGroup 'Daily' -RetainBackups 21 –NoUTMRestore -StorageGroup 'XXX','YYY' -UseMountPoint  -MountPointDir 'C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for Exchange\SnapMgrMountPoint' -RemoteAdditionalCopyBackup $False

in order to avoid retention of the transaction logs, but the NoUTMRestore switch seems to be ignored and the Logs are still retained in the Snapinfo directory of the last backup.

This issue is listed as resolved in SME 7 but we can not upgrade to SME 7 as we are using Exchange 2010.

Is there any workaround here?

Thanks & kr, Fidy



Do you think the -BackupTruncatedLogs $False  switch would help?

Extract from the Powershell help:

 -NoUTMRestore      Short Form: noutm
     Denies the retention of up-to-the-minute restore ability.
     The logs are also deleted for any backup copies that you delete as part
      of this backup
     operation. This does not retain the up-to-the-minute restore ability fo
     r older backup
     copies that remain after the delete phase of a backup operation.

     Required?                    true
     Position?                    False
     Default value
     Accept pipeline input?       True
     Accept wildcard characters?  false

-BackupTruncatedLogs      Short Form: bkTrcLogs
     This option does a backup of the selected database logs including
     those that will be truncated by a full backup type. When true this will
     preserve up-to-the-minute restore capability for older backups. When fa
     lse this
     option can be used to conserve space on the LUN containing the backed u
     p Exchange
     transaction logs. For copy backup types, this will make a backup of the
     logs as well but they will not be truncated. The default is true.

     Required?                    false
     Position?                    False
     Default value                $True
     Accept pipeline input?       True
     Accept wildcard characters?  false

Kr, Fidy


These switches get added when you run through the SME Config wizard, then the Backup Wizard.  One of the steps in setting up new Backup Wizard is "do you want to truncate the logs after backup". 

One of the final steps in that wizard has a little button on the bottom right that says " SET Schedule".  Click that to define if this is the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly job.  That will then create a "Scheduled Task Job" for it.  When you edit the Scheduled Job is when you can see the output like you have above, that has each step that will be performed.  I am not sure if you can manually edit those lines, or if you need to restep through the Backup Wizard to select the correct options.

Daily is @11pm every 1 week on Mon-Sat only, not Sunday.

Weekly is @ 11pm every 1 week on Sunday only

Monthly is @ 10:59 the first Sunday of the month

Now finish that single backup job and repeat wizard for the daily, weekly, monthly.



REMINDER: In Exchange 2010 SP3 (Only above SP2) DAG the TS-LOGFILES allways contains a Certain amount of TS-Logs even if TRUNCATE works


With Exchange 2010 SP3 and SME there are ALLWAYS are certain amount of TS-Logfiles (Minimum) the even after purge and truncate through SME or any Backup Software. 

This is confusing when you setiup a fresh installation during migration and the TEST E-Mails that is on the MDB01

DOES NOT generate more than 50 Logfiles (As example: E0300102039.log)


So if you have a fresh installation VENE when TRUNCATION through SME works a certain amount of logfiles is slways there.


This was different in Exchange 2010 RTM/SP1/SP2 where the TS-Logs went down to 10-12 or so? after Truncate.


Our comment from then:


With Exchange Exchange 2010 SP3 we have seen the amount of Logfiles that stay after successfull back on A DAG around 200+. Prior to SP3 this may have been 100+. This is also confusing and seeme to be undocumented on MS side which clearly makes a lot of trouble on the market. There are hundres of threads and blogs who describe this and tend to go in direction of search indexer/Catalog files blocking.

What Software you finally use Windows Backup, Netapp Snap Manager for Exchange or any Exchange Aware Backup seems to have no influence on the amount of logfiles the DAG keeps even after backup. Make sure you have enough Test data in your Test mailbox (Attachments).





