Data Protection
Data Protection
Hi all,
Our SP farm consists of 1 DB server, 2 WFEs and 1 application server for various SP services. This is a new installation with just a few test pages.
Has anyone seen SMMOSS backup runtimes of 70 minutes? Is this normal? The job status hangs at 3% for about 50 minutes w/o any noticeable activity on any of the involved servers.
* Backup Result Report *
Plan Name: Daily Full Farm Backup
Plan ID: PLAN20100416091213
Backup Level: Item Version Level
Backup Type: Full Backup
Job ID: FB20100429233004
Agent Host: SPAPP01
Media Server: SMMOSS01
Agent Version:
Manager Version:
Username: admin
Start Time: 2010-04-29 23:30:04
End Time: 2010-04-30 00:40:53
Statistical Result: 21642 MB data, 7(0) site collections, 24(0) sites, 233(0) lists, 1201(0) items.
Thanks & Regards
This is definitely not normal. It should not take more than 20-30
minutes for the backup job to complete. I would recommend you to check
the time it takes to complete the backup for the content database only
i.e. with no granularity setting. This will help in isolating the issue
We've got the same problem with SMOSS
Plan Name: Tägliche_Sicherung
Plan ID: PLAN20090625073605
Backup Level: Item Version Level
Backup Type: Full Backup
Job ID: FB20100501220008
Agent Host: <smmossagent>
Media Service: <smmossmgmtserver>
Client Version:
Server Version:
User Name: admin
Start Time: 2010-05-01 22:00:08
Finish Time: 2010-05-02 01:45:37
Statistical result:726514 MB data, 1315(0) site collections, 43862(0) sites, 616320(0) lists, 2282374(0) items.
But as sourav said, it could be a smsql issue. A closer look into the backup result (File 16-04-2010_22.37.29_<smmossmgmtserver>_clone-backup.txt in the SMSQL and SnapDrive showed us the problem:
[22:37:29.9305480]: Initializing [clone-backup][System.String]
[22:37:29.9305480]: Backup : [sqlsnap__<smmossmgmtserver>_04-16-2010_22.03.28__daily][System.String]
[22:37:29.9305480]: Connecting to server: [<smmossmgmtserver>][System.String]
[22:37:29.9930500]: Connecting to server: [<smmossmgmtserver>][successful][System.String]
[22:37:29.9930500]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[22:39:18.4340200]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[22:41:13.1720665]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[22:43:06.2225590]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[22:44:56.8510990]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[00:28:48.6598855]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[00:30:29.8506235]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[00:32:06.6662215]: Retrieving backup list from SnapManager server. Please wait...[System.String]
[00:33:42.0755245]: Validating Verification Server: [ <smmossmgmtserver> ][System.String]
[00:33:42.0911500]: Restore Source SQL Server Instance: <smmossmgmtserver>[System.String]
[00:33:42.0911500]: Restore Destination SQL Server Instance: <smmossmgmtserver>[System.String]
So it's a SMSQL-problem (still not solved...)
Kind regards,
Hi Sourav,
The SMSQL backup looks okay, and finishes within 10 minutes. Before that the job just seems to hang at 3% for about 50 min. I can't find any activity within these 50 minutes (NetApp case #2001423896).
Thanks & Regards
Hi Bernd,
It looks to me that we may be facing issues in the backup indexing phase
which explains why the backup job hangs at 3% for a long while.
I see that you've already opened an NGS case. Hopefully you'll receive a
resolution soon.
No resolution so far. I had to close the case today because we've moved on to Sharepoint 2010. Waiting for the next SMMOSS version supporting 2010...
Thanks Adrian,
That log looks okay at our site: