Data Protection

SMO does not work with any oracle tool such as rman or dbverify


We have recently installed and configured smo. We are able to create snapshots just fine using profiles that we create with "Do not use Rman" option. If I try to create a profile with "Use rman via recovery catalog" option, the profile creation fails. Similarly, if I choose the option "Use Rman via controlfile" the snapshot creation fails as well. Also, if we use dbverify through smo, the verify fails as well.

We are using SMO 3.0.1 on Solaris 10.

The following messages comes from SDU doing this:

  creating unrestricted volume clone netapp7:/vol/SnapManager_20091223110621724_uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51 ... success

from the filer’s messages

Wed Dec 23 11:06:41 EST [netapp7: ems.engine.inputSuppress:info]: Event 'wafl.volume.clone.fractional_rsrv.changed' suppressed 2 times since Mon Nov 16 12:29:36 EST 2009.

Wed Dec 23 11:06:41 EST [netapp7: wafl.volume.clone.fractional_rsrv.changed:info]: Fractional reservation for clone 'SnapManager_20091223110621724_uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51' was changed to 100 percent because guarantee is set to 'file' or 'none'.

Wed Dec 23 11:06:41 EST [netapp7: ems.engine.inputSuppress:info]: Event 'wafl.volume.clone.created' suppressed 2 times since Mon Nov 16 12:29:36 EST 2009.

Wed Dec 23 11:06:41 EST [netapp7: wafl.volume.clone.created:info]: Volume clone SnapManager_20091223110621724_uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51 of volume uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51 was created successfully.

Wed Dec 23 11:06:41 EST [netapp7: lun.newLocation.offline:warning]: LUN /vol/SnapManager_20091223110621724_uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51/aggr1_netapp7/01_638_GB has been taken offline to prevent map conflicts after a copy or move operation.

Wed Dec 23 11:06:42 EST [netapp7:]: LUN /vol/SnapManager_20091223110621724_uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51/aggr1_netapp7/01_638_GB was mapped to initiator group uat1ordb2_fcp_SdIg=13

Wed Dec 23 11:06:42 EST [netapp7: wafl.vol.full:notice]: file system on volume SnapManager_20091223110621724_uat1ordb2_u10_spntuat1data_d51 is full

The above error messages are misleading as  I can't even save a profile using the RMAN catalog?  I would think that would have nothing to do with the filer.

Also, why do regular backups (non RMAN) work just fine?  Wouldn’t it be running into the same issue (filer being full)?

Please let me know if anyone else has faced a similar problem with creating profiles using rman or that smo does not work with any oracle tool that it is suppose to?




Firstly, please let me know were you able to create the profile using RMAN. If not please paste the error message. SMO does support and work with rman and dbverify.

Secondly, Please change the space guarantee of the source volume on filer to 10% and try taking the backup. For Rman profiles, SMO will create the flex volume mount the connected volumes on host for registering the backups or snapshots in RMAN. For Non-RMAN profiles this is not required.


Kiran J.N.
