Data Protection

SMVI has no datastores listed in the "Recover" section


Long story short, our Exchange server had to be powered down for a planned power outage. When we were restoring it, it did not boot past the Windows Loading Screen. It has been down for over a week, now. The biggest problem with this is that our system backups have not been running for a couple months and we have not been able to find out why, otherwise I would just restore the machine from the last good backup. That is what brings me to the subject; even if backups had been running perfectly, we would have no way to restore them. When we click into the "Restore" section of SMVI there is nothing listed. Where before there was a list of datastores, now it is blank. Every setting, every account, every service, every IP address and mapping location all check out.


The exchange server is a virtual machine. Our system has SMVI 2.0P1D1 with FAS2020s and 270s and VMWare 4.0.0. I am about 95% sure that if I could restore the .vmx file from our last backup I can get our email back online, I just don't know the product deeply enough.


Thanks for any information!


