Data Protection

Snap Manager for Oracle (Unix) clone wizard failing



I am trying to use the smo clone feature.

When trying to create a clone it fails with the below output.

Anybody got any ideas?


--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 2c9181a726d70a430126d70a49040001 starting on Profile TESTPROFILE
--[ INFO] SMO-04137: Auto-generated label "clone_TCLOMNG_20100216134920GMT" for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04030: Validating uniqueness of new SID "TCLOMNG2".
--[ INFO] SMO-04040: Using ORACLE_HOME of "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04042: Using Oracle OS account "oracle" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04044: Using Oracle OS group "dba" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-07127: Locked database for SnapManager operations - created lock file "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/dbs/.sm_lock_TCLOMNG2" on host TCL.
--[ INFO] SD-00025: Beginning to connect filesystem(s) [/u01] from snapshot smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0.
--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: SD-00027: Error connecting filesystem(s) [/u01] from snapshot smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0: SD-10016: Error executing snapdrive command "/usr/sbin/snapdrive snap connect -fs /u01 /data05/oradata/TCLOMNG2 -snapname tcl-san-01:/vol/oracle2_vol:smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0 -autorename -noreserve -prefixfv SnapManager_20100216134923345": 0001-761 Command error: Snapshot (smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0) for file system (/u01) doesn't contain a partition. Persistent mount cannot be supported without a partition
--[ERROR] FLOW-11010: Operation transitioning to abort due to prior failure.
--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /data05/oradata/TCLOMNG2.
--[ WARN] FLOW-11011: Operation aborted
--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: SD-00027: Error connecting filesystem(s) [/u01] from snapshot smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0: SD-10016: Error executing snapdrive command "/usr/sbin/snapdrive snap connect -fs /u01 /data05/oradata/TCLOMNG2 -snapname tcl-san-01:/vol/oracle2_vol:smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0 -autorename -noreserve -prefixfv SnapManager_20100216134923345": 0001-761 Command error: Snapshot (smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0) for file system (/u01) doesn't contain a partition. Persistent mount cannot be supported without a partition
--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Clone Create.  Root cause: SMO-11007: Error cloning from snapshot: FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: SD-00027: Error connecting filesystem(s) [/u01] from snapshot smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0: SD-10016: Error executing snapdrive command "/usr/sbin/snapdrive snap connect -fs /u01 /data05/oradata/TCLOMNG2 -snapname tcl-san-01:/vol/oracle2_vol:smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0 -autorename -noreserve -prefixfv SnapManager_20100216134923345": 0001-761 Command error: Snapshot (smo_testprofile_tclomng_f_h_1_2c9181a726d1f58a0126d1f58f840001_0) for file system (/u01) doesn't contain a partition. Persistent mount cannot be supported without a partition
--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database for SnapManager operations - removed lock file "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/dbs/.sm_lock_TCLOMNG2" on host TCL.
--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully aborted operation: Clone Create
--[ERROR] SMO-13048: Clone Create Operation Status: FAILED
--[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:00:11.26



What OS platform and version are you running?

This is your first clone attempt? or this was working for you at some point?

Are you cloning to the same host or another?

Having the sd-trace.log for the snap connect would be useful.  For that matter, a snapdrive.dc and smo operation dump for the clone attempt is best.

If you can open a support case and upload those logs to it, let me know the case number.


thanks for the reply, this is my first attempt, never had it working.

NetApp Log # 2001311605   (i've uploaded plenty of logs, don't seem to be getting anywhere tho)

OS is RHEL 5.4

SMO 3.0.3

Cloning to same host.



I passed some information yesterday through to the TSE that is assisting you and in regards to partitioned disk as well as making sure your multipath.conf (in particular user_friendly_names) is configured per the SDU Install and Admin guide.

After those checks and restart of mpio and sdu, if there is still a problem upload a new snapdrive.dc.




I updated multipath.conf and restarted.

Now the clone errors is as follows::

any ideas.

/data06 is where I have specified the new data mountpoints

--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 2c9181a727527d9f0127527da51c0001 starting on Profile TESTPROFILE
--[ INFO] SMO-04137: Auto-generated label "clone_TCLOMNG_20100312130838GMT" for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04030: Validating uniqueness of new SID "TCLOMNG2".
--[ INFO] SMO-04040: Using ORACLE_HOME of "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04042: Using Oracle OS account "oracle" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-04044: Using Oracle OS group "dba" from clonespec for clone.
--[ INFO] SMO-07127: Locked database for SnapManager operations - created lock file "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/dbs/.sm_lock_TCLOMNG2" on host TCL.
--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: CON-00012: Unable to connect [/u01] because the following connection destinations already exist: [/data06].
--[ERROR] FLOW-11010: Operation transitioning to abort due to prior failure.
--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /data06.
--[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /data06.
--[ WARN] FLOW-11011: Operation aborted
--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: CON-00012: Unable to connect [/u01] because the following connection destinations already exist: [/data06].
--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Clone Create.  Root cause: SMO-11007: Error cloning from snapshot: FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: CON-00012: Unable to connect [/u01] because the following connection destinations already exist: [/data06].
--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database for SnapManager operations - removed lock file "/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2/dbs/.sm_lock_TCLOMNG2" on host TCL.
--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully aborted operation


I have a client with the same issue:

--[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 2c9b8c1134a4c7e20134a4c7e91d0001 starting on Profile CLONES
--[ INFO] SMO-04137: Auto-generated label "clone_gold_20120103121451CST" for clone.

--[ INFO] SMO-04030: Validating uniqueness of new SID "beta10".

--[ INFO] SMO-04040: Using ORACLE_HOME of "/opt/Oracle/DB10gR2/beta10" from clonespec for clone.

--[ INFO] SMO-04042: Using Oracle OS account "oraabs2k" from clonespec for clone.

--[ INFO] SMO-04044: Using Oracle OS group "dbaabs2k" from clonespec for clone.

--[ INFO] SMO-07127: Locked database for SnapManager operations - created lock file "/opt/Oracle/DB10gR2/beta10/dbs/.sm_lock_beta10" on host
--[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: CON-00012: Unable to connect [/oracleData] because the following connection destinations already exist: [/oracleData_BETA10].

--[ERROR] FLOW-11010: Operation transitioning to abort due to prior failure.

--[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /oracleData_BETA10.

--[ WARN] FLOW-11011: Operation aborted

--[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: CON-00012: Unable to connect [/oracleData] because the following connection destinations already exist: [/oracleData_BETA10].

--[ERROR] SMO-13032: Cannot perform operation: Clone Create.  Root cause: SMO-11007: Error cloning from snapshot: FLOW-11019: Failure in ExecuteConnectionSteps: CON-00012: Unable to connect [/oracleData] because the following connection destinations already exist: [/oracleData_BETA10].

--[ INFO] SMO-07131: Unlocked database for SnapManager operations - removed lock file "/opt/Oracle/DB10gR2/beta10/dbs/.sm_lock_beta10" on host
--[ INFO] SMO-13039: Successfully aborted operation: Clone Create

--[ERROR] SMO-13048: Clone Create Operation Status: FAILED

--[ INFO] SMO-13049: Elapsed Time: 0:00:13.082

We deleted the Oracle initialization files but SMO still sees the destination as existing... perhaps moving [/oracleData_BETA10] elsewhere? Could this be a multipath issue as noted up-thread?

