Hi deone ,
Once you have added your plugin hosts to SnapCenter Server installed with SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft Windows package, you can do provisoning via SnapCenter UI from Hosts TAB -> Disks.
Prior to that you can also create required iSCSI session between your SVM and the plugin Host from the same UI page.
You can provison SAN disks (dedicated, shared, and Cluster shared Volumes).
SnapCenter RDM LUN provisioning is currenlty only accomplished with the SCW PowerShell Commands.
new-sdstorage -storagesystem svm ip or hostname -path driveletter or ntfs mount point -LunPath /vol/volumename/lunname -size #andunit i.e.200G -igroup igroupname -Thin -RawDeviceMapping -Datastore RDM-Mapping Datastore Name in VMware -FileSystemLabel filesystemlablename -PartitionStyle MBR or GPT
To access the PS module, you need to do first establish SC connection via 'Open-SmConnection' from your plugin host.
Then 'Import-Module SnapDrive' to execute above cmdlet.