Data Protection

SnapManager for SQL Point in Time Restores


I'm wondering if anyone can help to shine some light on this for me as I can't seem to get a straight answer from our vendor who has configured our backup system. I am trying to work out what needs to be done to configure SnapManager for SQL so that we can continue to do point in time restores once the data has been snapvaulted to a secondary storage. Is this possible?


Also could someone confirm what we need to keep to be able to do a restore from a snapvault? As currently they have configured the system to keep a weekly snapvault of the database, logs & sinfo volumes. The sinfo volume just looks like another copy of the logs so I don't think that we need both and we can't select an option to do a point in time restore anyway we only have the option to restore to the time the backup was taken if we are restoring from a secondary snapvault location.


On our production units we are keeping 14 days worth of backups for point in time restores, with the switches below. I have posted these as these were originally misconfigured as the weekly backup was using the switch -RetainBackups  1 so it was clearing out the sinfo volume.


Daily backups:

"C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlJobLauncher.exe" new-backup  –svr 'SERVERNAME'  -RetainBackupDays  14 -RetainShareBackupDays  14 -cpylgbkshare NOTHING_TOSHARE -lb -bksif -RetainSnapofSnapInfoDays 14 -rudays 14 –mgmt standard


Transation logs:


"C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlJobLauncher.exe" new-backup  –svr 'SERVERNAME'  -cpylgbkshare NOTHING_TOSHARE -lgbkonly -bksif –mgmt standard




"C:\Program Files\NetApp\SnapManager for SQL Server\SmsqlJobLauncher.exe" new-backup  –svr 'SERVERNAME'  -cpylgbkshare NOTHING_TOSHARE -lb -bksif –mgmt weekly  -ArchiveBackup  -ArchivedBackupRetention Weekly


Btw we are running on 7-Mode
