Data Protection
Data Protection
Help please. The command failed when SMO tried to check storage location / to see if it is snapshot capable, but I do not use / for anything for my Oracle installation.
[oracle@rockwall ~]$ smo profile create -profile ora11gf_profile -profile-password ora11gf_profile -repository -dbname ora11smo -host rockwall -port 1521 -login -username smo -database -host rockwall -dbname ora11gf -sid ora11gf -login -username sys -password xxxxxx -port 1521 -osaccount oracle -osgroup dba -verbose
[ INFO] SMO-20020: Set password for profile "ora11gf_profile" in user credentials for "oracle".
[ INFO] SMO-13036: Starting operation Profile Create on host
[ INFO] SMO-13046: Operation GUID 233989b13635ad71013635ad7c070009 starting on Profile ora11gf_profile
[ INFO] SMO-13505: SnapDrive environment verification passed.
[ INFO] SMO-13507: JDBC verification for "sys@rockwall:1521/ora11gf" passed.
[ INFO] SMO-13506: SQLPlus verification for database SID "ora11gf" passed. Environment: [ORACLE_HOME=/home/ora11/112]
[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: ora11gf(OPEN).
[ INFO] SMO-07431: Saving starting state of the database: ora11gf(OPEN).
[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database ora11gf to trace as /tmp/SM_1456993960136093842.
[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database ora11gf to trace as /tmp/SM_3010319759440195265.
[ INFO] ORACLE-20024: Spooling control file for database ora11gf to trace as /tmp/SM_3595446112643723278.
[ INFO] SMO-07153: Fetching archivelogs
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/ora11/data.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/ora11/data.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/ora11/data.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/ora11/data.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/ora11/ctl.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/ora11/ctl.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /home/ora11/redo.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /home/ora11/redo.
[ INFO] SD-00016: Discovering storage resources for /.
[ INFO] SD-00017: Finished storage discovery for /.
[ERROR] FLOW-11019: Failure in Discover: DISC-00003: Filesystem / is not on snapshot-capable storage.
[ERROR] FLOW-11008: Operation failed: DISC-00003: Filesystem / is not on snapshot-capable storage.
[ERROR] SMO-05075: Profile create failed: SMO-13527: Error performing fast restore check: FLOW-11019: Failure in Discover: DISC-00003: Filesystem / is not on snapshot-capable storage..
[ INFO] SMO-20022: Deleted credentials and repository mapping for profile "ora11gf_profile" in user credentials for "oracle".
Operation Id [233989b13635ad71013635ad7c070009] failed. Error: Error performing fast restore check: FLOW-11019: Failurein Discover: DISC-00003: Filesystem / is not on snapshot-capable storage..
[oracle@rockwall ~]$
[oracle@rockwall ~]$
[oracle@rockwall ~]$
Looks like some Oracle datafiles are on root directory.
This is what I have:
SQL> select NAME from v$datafile;
SQL> select name from v$controlfile;
SQL> select member from v$logfile;
Hi Jimshomer,
I see that your datafiles , controlfiles, redolog files and archivelogs are laying on the different places/catalogs but these files also must be laid on the separate volume groups.
E.x 1:
/volume_group1/lvol1 /home/ora11/data/system01.dbf
/volume_group1/lvol2 /home/ora11/ctl/control01.ctl
Result : It will not work
You can put redolog files and controlfiles into the same place and the same volume group without problem.
E.x 2:
/volume_group1/lvol1 /home/ora11/data/system01.dbf
/volume_group2/lvol1 /home/ora11/ctl/control01.ct
Result : It will be OK
Please check your volume settings
Where are your archived redo logs stored? SMO seems to be being told by Oracle that there is some data in / it needs to back up.
Hi Chris,
I store archivelog on the separate catalog from catalogs where controlfiles,redologs and datafiles are existing. Please try to take a backup on your database where archivelogs and datafiles are on the same catalog. You'll how it's going on .
Thank you guys, I made a mistake not setting my archive log destination to the preconfigured netapp volume but to the flash recovery area which is on a local disk. I looked at the smo logs and realized the problem at the point where SMO issued the command df to figure out the volumes for the archived log, redo log, etc.
Thanks again