Data Protection

where exactly SnapManager backups for SQL stored?


When I take a SM for SQL backups, including full backups or transaction log backups, where these backups will be stored? are they going to be stored in snapshot area of volumes for data and logs respectively? With regards the location, what these backups related to data and log valume.


I basically have two valumes and then luns, one for SQL data, and the other for the log.


This is might be a very basic question, thank you for your patience!



Hi - In answer to your question;

When I take a SM for SQL backups, including full backups or transaction log backups, where these backups will be stored? are they going to be stored in snapshot area of volumes for data and logs respectively?

Yes - The Snapshots are stored in the snap reserve section of the volume.


Just to clarify, Snap Manager for SQL (or any snapshot in this case) takes a point in time copy (i.e Snap Shot) of the FlexVol that contains the LUNs. Until the blocks change, the snap shot is 4 kilobytes in size (as it is just a copy of the inode table) and as the blocks in the FlexVol that correspond to the data blocks in the LUN change, those blocks are 'moved' (not really moved but the pointers for the block is changed from the active file system to the snapshot) to the snapshot. The snap shots are stored on the FlexVol where the data resides. If you have a Snap Reserve (a reserved percentage of the FlexVol set aside for snapshots) then the changed blocks occupy that space (but keep in mind that snapshots can 'overflow' the Snap Reserve unless Snap Autodelete is enabled and configured). If you don't have a Snap reserve set then the blocks occupy space in the data portion of the FlexVol.


Indepth analysis. Thank you!
