Digital Support

NetApp Knowledge Base: Revamped and Redesigned


To provide ease of navigation, improved self-service experience, and help customers find solutions and answers quickly, we have revamped and redesigned the NetApp Knowledge Base.


  • In April, 2023, we revamped the KB site hierarchy, moving towards a customer-centric design, and providing new and improved categorization of knowledge articles on the site.
  • In May, 2023, we redesigned the KB site and made changes to the user interface design of the Home Page and Category and Guide Pages.

These are few features to check out on the home page:

  • The home page has on-demand categories, wherein the most accessed products and features will be easier to navigate.

Home page.png

  • The Featured content section provides links to Resolution Guides, Troubleshooting Guides, Interactive Workflows, Support bulletins and other prominent support content.


  • Quick Links to other NetApp resources are available at the bottom of the home page.

Quick links.png

You can easily navigate KB content by using Product Categories and Guides.

  • Under guides, you can find Solutions, How-to Procedures, Answers, Videos, and other support information for NetApp products.
  • Other Resources in the Product Guides show Resolution Guides, Recently Created articles, Recently Updated articles and Videos for the product.


KB content can also be navigated by using All Products available on top of the home page.

All Products.png


We want to hear from you!

Using the Feedback channel, please let us know what you think about the revamped KB site.
