EF & E-Series, SANtricity, and Related Plug-ins

NetApp PowerShell Toolkit released!


Dear PowerShell community,


We are glad to announce the release of the NetApp® ONTAP® PowerShell Toolkit.


What’s new?

Hydrate parameter support in NetApp PowerShell Toolkit
The "Hydrate" parameter has been introduced to improve command execution performance by offering three
options: Yes, No, and Partial.


  • Yes: This is the default behavior, as it exists today. After a successful POST or PATCH request, a
    GET request is made with the query parameter ?fields=**, retrieving all fields.
  • No: For POST or PATCH requests, it will pass ?return_records=true, and then display only the
    fields that ONTAP sets, which are usually just the keys and occasionally a few additional fields.
    This option is beneficial when performance is a priority and you do not need all the field details,
    avoiding the retrieval of unused fields.
  • Partial: After a successful POST or PATCH request, a GET request is made with the query
    parameter ?fields=*, retrieving a subset of fields. This option is useful for balancing performance
    and the amount of data retrieved, reducing overhead by fetching only a subset of the fields.

New Rest Endpoint Support
    1. /security/key-manager-configs
    2. /support/ems/role-configs/{access_control_role.name
    3. /security/login/totps
    4. /security/key-managers/{security_key_manager.uuid}/restore

    5. /protocols/s3/services/{svm.uuid}/buckets/{s3_bucket.uuid}/rules/{name}


 NetApp ToolChest

  1. Download the package from the ToolChest.
  2. Extract the package.
  3. Execute Install.ps1 and enter the location where you want to update the existing package or do a fresh installation.
  4. Once the command has completed, import the module using both names “DataONTAP” and “NetApp.ONTAP”.

For more details refer to PowerShell Toolkit Installation Guide 


Toolkit can be downloaded from PowerShell Gallery as well.


In case of queries related to PSTK kindly drop a mail on ng-ontap-pstk-queries DL.


NetApp PowerShell Toolkit Team

