Hello zoo123,
I recommend first checking the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) to see if your current AIX hosts are supported with the FAS and E-Series individually and to see if there are any restrictions about running the two storage systems connected to the same host.
1. Go to the IMT at https://mysupport.netapp.com/matrix/#search .
2. Filter for and choose the "E-Series SAN Host" solution to begin verifying that your specific E-Series array and AIX hosts are supported and to find any additional configuration requirements or restrictions.
3. Click View Refine Search Criteria .
4. On the new page that loads, you can check the checkboxes for the protocol, host OS, storage OS and such to see if all components are compatible. As you check checkboxes, you will see unsupported options grey out. Try to fill out all criteria to confirm that the host-storage solution is supported.
5. Once all criteria options are checked, click the blue arrow (>) on the right side of the page to see a report on the solution and to see additional info and requirements for configuring the solution.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for "ONTAP SAN Host" to check the FAS-host solution's configuration requirements or restrictions.
7. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 for "Switch (ONTAP, E-Series, SolidFire)" to check the storage-switch solution's configuration requirements or restrictions.
Team NetApp