ONTAP Hardware

Assigning a Hard Drive to a Filer




I am having a bit of an issue this morning.  One of my hard drives, a 600GB hard drive, has gone bad and I am trying to assign a spare one to it and it comes back as also bad.  To be sure, I have tried a couple of different drives and have the same results.  Here are some of the commands and results that I have received so far:


samha74115*> disk assign 11b.32.13
disk assign: Assign failed. Reason: Failed disk. Number of disks with errors: 1.


samha74115*> disk unfail -s 11b.32.13
disk unfail -s: Disk 11b.32.13 not found.


As you can see, I am doing this in the advanced mode.  I get the same results when in the normal mode also.


Any and all assistance is greatly appreciated.



Hi Haris, 



May i know the version of ONTAP ?



As what we know WAFL automatically picks up a disk from spare pool and starts building parity on the new disk in the event of a disk failure, there is no need that you have to assign a disk manually unlsess you don't have any spares. 


Now i would like to know if the failed disk is been removed and you have no failed disks in the broken disk pool, Can you check using the command below



vol status -f  ( This command displays the broken pool, shows no.of broken disks )



If this command fails can you run the below command in ADVANCED MODE



disk show -v 



And look for any broken disk.



If everything seems fine then try command as below 



disk assign [diskid] -s [controllerid] -f  





Note :- Make sure you have ZEROED all spares before assigning them to your controller



Command to zero spare as below 



disk zero spares










**** If my reply helped you to solve your issue, Please help to mark it as solution to help others****




I had tried the assign before and it did not work, so, I did it again and here is the output:


samha74115> disk zero spares
samha74115> disk assign PPG5KYMA -s 1d.32.13 -f
disk assign: Disk PPG5KYMA not accessible. Error 16 (disk does not exist)


I went and re-checked the hard drive and that is the S/N on it.  I also did the same while in priv mode, same result.


And to answer your question on the version, it is


Can you post the command output of 


disk show -n 


disk show 11b.32.13





Was out yesterday, sorry for the delay.


Also, the disk assignment was a typo in the posting.  Here is the data you requested with the correct assignment ID:


a74115> disk show -n
disk show: No unassigned disks
a74115> disk show 1d.32.13
  DISK       OWNER                    POOL   SERIAL NUMBER         HOME                    DR HOME
------------ -------------            -----  -------------         -------------           -------------           


Seems disk not present ?


Can show the vol status -s


This is strange, and I had someone look to ensure that I am not seeing things.  Now, the broken drive is showing another ID, 11b.32.13.  I am going to try the commands again.


I ran all of the suggestions that you have given so far, and here are all of the results:


a74115> vol status -s

Pool1 spare disks (empty)

Pool0 spare disks

RAID Disk       Device          HA  SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type  RPM  Used (MB/blks)    Phys (MB/blks)
---------       ------          ------------- ---- ---- ---- ----- --------------    --------------
Spare disks for block checksum
spare           1d.31.21        1d    31  21  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 560208/1147307688
spare           11b.33.2        11b   33  2   SA:B   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           11b.33.17       11b   33  17  SA:B   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.30.13        1d    30  13  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.30.14        1d    30  14  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.30.19        1d    30  19  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.30.21        1d    30  21  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.30.22        1d    30  22  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.31.8         1d    31  8   SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.31.10        1d    31  10  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.31.11        1d    31  11  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.31.14        1d    31  14  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.31.22        1d    31  22  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.32.12        1d    32  12  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.32.18        1d    32  18  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           1d.32.22        1d    32  22  SA:A   0   SAS 10000 560000/1146880000 572325/1172123568
spare           11c.21.11       11c   21  11  SA:B   0  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
spare           11c.21.21       11c   21  21  SA:B   0  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
spare           11c.22.17       11c   22  17  SA:B   0  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
spare           1b.20.3         1b    20  3   SA:A   0  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
spare           1b.20.13        1b    20  13  SA:A   0  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
spare           1b.21.16        1b    21  16  SA:A   0  BSAS  7200 1695466/3472315904 1695759/3472914816
a74115> vol status -f

Broken disks (empty)
a74115> disk assign PPG5KYMA -s 11b.32.13 -f
disk assign: Disk PPG5KYMA not accessible. Error 16 (disk does not exist)
disk    assign {<disk_name> | all | [-T <storage type> | -shelf <shelf name>] [-n <count>] | auto} [-p <pool>] [-o <ownername>] [-s <sysid>] [-c block|zoned] [-f] - assign a disk to a filer or all unowned disks by specifying "all"  or <count> number of unowned disks
a74115> disk show -n
disk show: No unassigned disks
a74115> disk show 11b.32.13
  DISK       OWNER                    POOL   SERIAL NUMBER         HOME                    DR HOME
------------ -------------            -----  -------------         -------------           -------------           


It seems that it is if the disk is not even there, and I have re-seated it and I have also tried another disk that I have.  I am at the point where I am going to have to purchase a new hard drive since the "powers-that-be" have let the warranty expire. 


I really appreciate the assistance you have given thus far.


Yes that's the reason when you have show the disk show <Disk-ID> output yesterday i felt disk is not even there that is why i have asked you to check the spares first if the disk is still in SPARE POOL or ADDED TO AN AGGREGATE or IF NOT PRESENT can be known, And i don't think you should go out and buy a disk at this point of time because you have a lot of SPARE DISKS over there so why don't you pick another disk and try adding in to the controller if you are concerned 🙂








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