I do a lot of stuff like that. Between ONTAP Powershell Toolkit and VMware PowerCLI you can get about anything you need. I'm not sure if this is all you are looking for, a basic start would be to use Powershell to issue the sdcli command and parse the output via custom function.
function Get-NetAppDrives([string] $vmName)
$output = sdcli disk list -m $vmName
$drives = @()
foreach ( $lineOut in $output )
# Parse output here to find the bits of informatio you want, then build a custom object with the data:
$drive = "" | Select-Object "VM", "DriveLetter","NetAppLunLocation","Size","FreeSpace"
$drive.VM = $vmName
$drive.DriveLetter = $driveLetter
return $drives
With a little bit of Powershell knowhow and some text parsing you can get most if not all the info you need.