Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Brainfreeze: Volume reporting with OnTap Powershell Toolkit


Hi Techexperts,


i have been tasked by my customer with creating a volume based report for him, that contains

- Name of the volume

- Total Volume Size

- Used Data Space

- Free Data Space

- Used Snapshot Space

- Free Snapshot Space (regarding the reserve)

- Overflow Snapshot Space (if existing)


Getting the volume's data confuses me, because the GUI is showing values that is not reflecting by Get-NcVol, Get-NcEfficiency, Get-NcSnapshot... somehow.


We are running Ontap 8.3.1, but when viewing bar char on the volume's storage allocation tab, it seems the values are not assigned correctly to the lines.




I was using the Ontap Powershell Tookit to retrieve the values but i have some difficulties accumulating the snapshot spaces correctly


Get-NcEfficiency | sort-object Name | Select-Object Name, TotalLunSize, Used, Free, @{Label="SnapshotUsed";Expression={(Get-NcSnapshot $($_.Name) | Measure-Object Total -Sum).Sum }}, SnapshotReserve, SnapshotOverflow | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "C:\temp\volumereport.csv"





Please feel free to correct me, but i was assuming that SnapshotReserve + SnapshotUsed + SnapshotOverflow = SnapshotTotal and that SnapshotReserve - SnapshotUsed = SnapshotFree


So when I run the command, the result for the volume shown is:


Name             : D5
TotalLunSize     : 0
Used             : 660389388288
Free             : 206657134592
SnapshotUsed     : 278830014464
SnapshotReserve  : 45634027520
SnapshotOverflow : 227582599168


or with some more readable values:


Name             : D5
TotalLunSize     : 0
Used             : 1803,59
Free             : 238,91
SnapshotUsed     : 293,90
SnapshotReserve  : 107,50
SnapshotOverflow : 61,32


As you can see, there are huge differences between what is shown in GUI and what is reported by the command.

And to make this problem more complex: for some volumes (mostly those without overflow space) there seem to be the same values displayed in GUI and in the result of the command.

So my questions are: which values can I trust and how do fetch the (correct) required values for the customers report



if i'm reading what you wrote correctly:

snapshotused = snapshottotal

SnapshotReserve - SnapshotUsed = SnapshotFree if snapshotused -lt snapshotreserve



i'm curious why you are doing the get-ncsnapshot and math to get the snapshot used space since get-ncefficiency returns snapshotused.


i ran your command on a single volume and it seemed to return the correct values for me.


personally, i would avoid get-ncefficiency and use get-ncvol since get-ncefficiency is a heavy and slow command.

something like:

$vols = get-ncvol | select name,@{n="totalsize";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.Size/1gb}},
@{n="data size";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeTotal/1gb}},
@{n="data used";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsed/1gb}},
@{n="snap size";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsedBySnapshots/1gb}},
@{n="snap reserve";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SnapshotReserveSize/1gb}},
@{n="snap overflow";e={if($_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsedBySnapshots -gt $_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SnapshotReserveSize){($_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsedBySnapshots - $_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SnapshotReserveSize)/1gb}else{0}}}


this is all in GB and the formatting is - well, there isn't any



View solution in original post



Hello @piraconsk,


I'm seeing equivalent values using this bit of script for display:


Get-NcEfficiency -Volume $volName | 
    Sort-Object Name | 
    Select-Object Name, `
        TotalLunSize, `
        @{ 'N'="Used"; "E"={ ConvertTo-FormattedNumber -Type DataSize -NumberFormatString "0.00" -Value $_.Used }}, `
        @{ 'N'="Free"; "E"={ ConvertTo-FormattedNumber -Type DataSize -NumberFormatString "0.00" -Value $_.Free }}, `
        @{ Label="SnapshotUsed"; Expression={ 
            ConvertTo-FormattedNumber -Type DataSize -NumberFormatString "0.00" -Value (Get-NcSnapshot -Volume $($_.Name) | Sort-Object -Property Created -Descending | Select-Object -First 1).CumulativeTotal 
        } }, `
        @{ 'N'="SnapshotReserve"; "E"={ ConvertTo-FormattedNumber -Type DataSize -NumberFormatString "0.00" -Value $_.SnapshotReserve }}, `
        @{ 'N'="SnapshotOverflow"; "E"={ ConvertTo-FormattedNumber -Type DataSize -NumberFormatString "0.00" -Value $_.SnapshotOverflow }}

Note that I changed a few things.  First, and most verbosely, I'm using the ConvertTo-FormattedNumber cmdlet to display back the data size values.  Second, I modified the snapshot used field to use the "cumulative total" property from the old snapshot on the volume rather than summing the size of the snapshots.


2017-01-11 12_46_50-Windows PowerShell ISE.png


2017-01-11 12_47_01-VICE - NetApp OnCommand System Manager.png


Also note that the "Used" value in the PowerShell output is going to be the size of the data + the size of the snapshot overflow, whereas System Manager reports them separately.



If this post resolved your issue, please help others by selecting ACCEPT AS SOLUTION or adding a KUDO.


if i'm reading what you wrote correctly:

snapshotused = snapshottotal

SnapshotReserve - SnapshotUsed = SnapshotFree if snapshotused -lt snapshotreserve



i'm curious why you are doing the get-ncsnapshot and math to get the snapshot used space since get-ncefficiency returns snapshotused.


i ran your command on a single volume and it seemed to return the correct values for me.


personally, i would avoid get-ncefficiency and use get-ncvol since get-ncefficiency is a heavy and slow command.

something like:

$vols = get-ncvol | select name,@{n="totalsize";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.Size/1gb}},
@{n="data size";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeTotal/1gb}},
@{n="data used";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsed/1gb}},
@{n="snap size";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsedBySnapshots/1gb}},
@{n="snap reserve";e={$_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SnapshotReserveSize/1gb}},
@{n="snap overflow";e={if($_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsedBySnapshots -gt $_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SnapshotReserveSize){($_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SizeUsedBySnapshots - $_.VolumeSpaceAttributes.SnapshotReserveSize)/1gb}else{0}}}


this is all in GB and the formatting is - well, there isn't any






"i'm curious why you are doing the get-ncsnapshot and math to get the snapshot used space since get-ncefficiency returns snapshotused."


Simple as that: the return values for snapshotused from Get-NcEfficiency are not equal to (Get-NcSnapshot D5 | Measure-Object Total -Sum).Sum.


interesting - they are for me:

PS E:\> (Get-NcEfficiency storage).SnapshotUsed
PS E:\> (Get-NcSnapshot storage | Measure-Object Total -Sum).Sum


are they the same for you when there isn't any snapshot overflow?



Indeed, very interesting they are equal on your device. And yes, i have noticed the performance of get-ncefficiency is not as high as with get-ncvol.

On my device the result looks like this:

(Get-NcEfficiency D1).SnapshotUsed: 5618896896
(Get-NcSnapshot D1 | Measure-Object Total -Sum).Sum: 9651384320


I have noticed that there are a few "old" snapshots from a previous configuration existing. I am unable to see if, there is a baseline snapshot to this subset. Maybe the baseline has been deleted, so the SnapshotUsed differs from Sum?


I have run your code sample vs my environment. For my example volume the result are matching the most.


Result from your fast query:
Name          : D5
totalsize     : 850
free          : 192,476535797119140625
data size     : 807,5
data used     : 615,023464202880859375
snap size     : 260,0552215576171875
snap reserve  : 42,5
snap overflow : 217,5552215576171875


Result from my slow query:
Name             : D5
TotalSize        : 850
Data             : 807,5
Used             : 615,048320770263671875
Free             : 192,451679229736328125
SnapshotUsed     : 260,074733734131
SnapshotReserve  : 42,5
SnapshotOverflow : 211,876407623291015625


The results are mostly equal, a slight difference in overflow space, which is negligible imho.


I think i will stick with your Get-NcVol approach.


About the graphical display, I'm assuming, that these values are sometimes sorted wrong due to a bug in the release?


I need Powershell command which can pool datastore reached 80% from 7mode & sholud also send an email.

any one please give suggestion

