Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Please see attached picture, it pops the error message whenver we run "Add-Credential ip-address -cred CredInfo" and supplying password.
Please help any useful idea/info. thank you
It works for me
You can use this way to save the encrypted password (alternative way)
Powershell Store Encrypted Password for auto login
$credential = Get-Credential
$credential.password |ConvertFrom-SecureString |set-Content C:\Users\<user_name>\encrypted_password.txt
$encrypted = Get-Content C:\Users\<user_name>\encrypted_password.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
$dom_user = "domain\user_name"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($dom_user, $encrypted)
Add-NcCredential -Controller <controller> -credential $credential
What version is your PSTK?
Scripts> Import-Module "C:\Users\<User>\Documents\PowerShell\Modules\netapp_ontap\NetApp.ONTAP"
PS C:\Users\user\Scripts> get-natoolkitversion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
9 15 1 2410
Same as you have up there. First pic is the new environment we want it on and it has same kitversion you shared. second picture is one of our very old environment that has everything working perfectly ok with version 4 1 0 0.
Hi Sanaman,
i ended up downgrading to Major (4) Minor (1) Build (0) Revision (0) with your "Add-NcCredential -Controller <controller> -credential $credential" command against my initial "Add-Credential ip-address -cred CredInfo" and it worked. Thanks so much.
Hi Sanaman,
What version did you upgrade to?
How did you downgrade?
Unfortunately I have the same problem...
A thousand thanks!
had issues with 9 15 1 2410, had our tech team downgrade to version 4 1 0 0 which we have on other hosts. i was not in picture of the downgrading process.. maybe Sanaman or someone else could help.
Thanks a lot Sanaman,
I downgrade to version ad this works.
Thanks a lot for your support