Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Get-NaAggrSpace show me negative number. How it's possible...?
PS H:\> Get-NaAggrSpace
AggregateName : aggr0
SizeFree : 1227808768
SizeMetadata : 346136576
SizeNominal : -714604544
SizeSnapUsed : 0
SizeUsed : -403443712
SizeVolumeAllocated : 1761546240
SizeVolumeUsed : 2015408128
VolumeCount : 7
Volumes : {LSDP, MSCS, vol0, MSCS1...}
AggregateName : aggr1
SizeFree : -362373120
SizeMetadata : 194101248
SizeNominal : 1599131648
SizeSnapUsed : 1848016896
SizeUsed : -1769172992
SizeVolumeAllocated : 1580576768
SizeVolumeUsed : -2046525440
VolumeCount : 1
Volumes : {EX_LOG}
Which version of the Data OnTAP toolkit are you using? To determine, use the Get-NaToolkitVersion cmdlet. The output will look like this...
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
1 2 0 67
I am unable to reproduce the problem you describe.
My version is the same...
PS H:\> Get-NaToolkitVersion
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
1 2 0 67
Hello, Vitaly. What version of Data ONTAP are you using? This appears to have been an API bug in Data ONTAP that was fixed in 7.2.6, 7.3.1, and 8.0.
I'm experiencing this bug on 2 of our Filers - both running 7.3P7.
We cannot upgrade these 2 filers - Is there another way of getting the same information given by Get-NaAggrSpace using powershell?
Hi, Neil. It isn't ideal, but you can do this:
PS C:\Users\cknight> Invoke-NaSsh aggr show_space aggr0
Aggregate 'aggr0'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS
139243008KB 13924300KB 1253184KB 124065524KB 0KB 146888KB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vol0 112567132KB 22106972KB volume
vften 24264KB 4876KB none
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 112591396KB 22111848KB 11318404KB
Snap reserve 1253184KB 685276KB 567908KB
WAFL reserve 13924300KB 1424664KB 12499636KB