Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Hi guys,
I am trying to export to CSV a list/table of Aggregate space stats. This isn't working:
$aggr = Get-NaAggrSpace
$customobject = new-object psobject
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Aggregate -value $aggr.AggregateName
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Free_Size -value $aggr.SizeFree
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Snapshots_Use -value $aggr.SizeSnapUsed
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Used -value $aggr.SizeUsed
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Volumes_Use -value $aggr.SizeVolumeUsed
add-member -inputobject $customobject -membertype noteproperty -name Volumes -value $aggr.Volumes
$customobject | export-csv c:\aggr_size.csv -notypeinformation
what would be the best way? I would also like to export it in different units (MB, GB,..)
Thank you
This should work for you
Get-NaAggrSpace | select AggregateName,@{l='SizeFree(GB)';e={([math]::Round([decimal]($_.SizeFree)/1gb,2))}},@{l='SizeSnapUsed(GB)';e={([math]::Round([decimal]($_.SizeSnapUsed)/1gb,2))}},@{l='SizeUsed(GB)';e={([math]::Round([decimal]($_.SizeUsed)/1gb,2))}},@{l='SizeVolumeUsed(GB)';e={([math]::Round([decimal]($_.SizeVolumeUsed)/1gb,2))}},@{label="Volumes";expression={$_.volumes -join ","}} | Export-Csv "c:\vins.csv"
thanks - I will try that now
what does the '-join' do?
is there an easy way to change the size from GB units to MB globally?
you can just replace 'gb' with 'mb' in above code to get your output in mb. check this technet link
The join operator concatenates a set of strings into a single string., for mode details check out
PS C:\Users\vinith> Get-Help about_join
the output isn't working. I am getting rows instead of columns in the CSV file
this is how the output should look like.
this is what I am getting - I need a list of volumes in a column, not a row - is that possible? I guess we need to create a file for each aggregate?
AggregateName | SizeFree(GB) | SizeSnapUsed(GB) | SizeUsed(GB) | SizeVolumeUsed(GB) | Volumes |
aggr0 2GB 1GB 1GB 1GB vol0, vol1, vol2, vol3, vol4,....
Joel -
Your first example isn't going to work because you don't loop through the array. Also, you don't really need to create custom objects in this example b/c they are already created
Why do you need a list of volumes in a row?
"Why do you need a list of volumes in a row?"
easy to read
I can have the list of volumes in a separated list though
why is this not working:
$aggr = Get-NaAggrSpace
Joel - do a search for an excel report I wrote that will give you a dashboard, Try that out and see if thats what you need
Joel -
Slow down a little ...
It's not working because it's an array of objects. That's why. I know your just getting started with PS, you need to read up on it a little. Can't all be trial by fire
that was last year and in there you stated that "I'm in no way a powershell expert" - I can tell you that it's not true anymore
thanks for the help