Hi Craig, We can attain the same using powershell custom objects.
Have a look at the code below and run it in your environment to get the required information. We can use Get-NaDisk and extract the total,available and used storage on the controller
$info = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{
'FilerName' = (Get-NaSystemInfo).systemname;
'Total Physical Disk Space Capacity (TB)'=([math]::round((((Get-NaDisk | % { $_.PhysicalSpace} | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)/1TB),2));
'Used Disk Space Capacity (TB)'=([math]::round((((Get-NaDisk | % { $_.UsedSpace} | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)/1TB),2));
'Available Disk Capacity (TB)'=(([math]::round((((Get-NaDisk | % { $_.PhysicalSpace} | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)/1TB),2)) - ([math]::round((((Get-NaDisk | % { $_.UsedSpace} | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)/1TB),2)));
We use custom hash tables to append all values to one place rather than using Add-Content to create reusable objects, please have a look at the link http://blogs.msdn.com/b/powershell/archive/2009/12/05/new-object-psobject-property-hashtable.aspx
Please do let me know if this is what you need.