The Command get-nalun | select path, alignment shows some misaligned luns.
I don't trust this information.
All these luns where created through snapdrive.
I tought that snapdrive would align luns from the start.
I found bug 103555 which states that some snapdrive versions did misalign luns.
But this relates to older versions of Data Ontap.
And I have 'misaligned' on luns that where created with snapdrive 6.4.1.
So how reliable is this information?
Before I start testing every single lun I would like to know where this information came from.
Can I use an ontap command to tell me the same?
Windows 2008R2 with Snapdrive 6.4.1
DataOntap 8.1 7-Mode
Powershall DataOntap version 2.0.0