I want to change a SVM's subtype in powershell,
So I create template and user Update-Ncvserver command to perform
the code is like this
$qsubtype = Get-NcVserver -Template
Initialize-NcObjectProperty $qsubtype Vserver
$qsubtype.Vserver = (Get-NcVserver svmtest).Vserver
$asubtype = Get-NcVserver -Template
Initialize-NcObjectProperty $asubtype Subtype,VserverSubtype
$asubtype.Subtype = 'default'
Update-NcVserver -Query $qsubtype -Attributes $asubtype
NcController :
SuccessCount : 1
FailureCount : 0
InprogressCount :
SuccessList : {svmtest}
FailureList : {}
InprogressList :
And I can see the result is success from the output
But when I verify,I found the subtype is stlll not change
PS D:\> (Get-NcVserver svmtest).subtype
PS D:\> (Get-NcVserver svmtest).VserverSubtype
What's wrong with my powershell code?
How can I make it sucessful?