Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
All, I am trying to configure AD group authentication for my controllers. When I run the following command below from the CLI it works with no issues and the group is added:
security login create -user-or-group-name "PIE\PIE Storage Admin" -application ssh -authentication-method domain -role admin -vserver CLUSTERNAME
However when I try the same syntax using poweshell, I get an error stating that "storage" is not a "-application" parameter. The code I am using for the powershell is:
Invoke-NcSsh security login create -user-or-group-name "PIE\PIE Storage Admin" -application ssh -authentication-method domain -role admin -vserver $clustername
Any help on this would be great.
Solved! See The Solution
Hello @drwoodberry,
Why not use the New-NcUser cmdlet?
New-NcUser -UserName 'PIE\PIE Storage Admin' -Application ssh -AuthMethod domain -Role admin -Vserver $clusername
Hello @drwoodberry,
Why not use the New-NcUser cmdlet?
New-NcUser -UserName 'PIE\PIE Storage Admin' -Application ssh -AuthMethod domain -Role admin -Vserver $clusername
Agree, use built-in cmdlet's when possible
I did not even think about that. I was looking in the wrong place for the commandlets and just brain farted. That was simple to use.
I appreciate the assist.
The other thing to note in your scripting is that you had a single backslach '\'. In most scripting languages the backslash is interpreted as the start of an escape sequence. In order to have a backslash be interpreted not as the escape sequence, you need to use a double backslash '\\'.
Hello everyone, thanks in advance for your assistance. I hope someone can assist me here. I am also running into the same issue here, I am trying to create an admin user here with full previleages, I keppt running into these errors. I have tried multiple ways, still getting the smae errors. Can someone be kind enough to help here These are my errors.
cluster1::> security login create -vserver -vserver vs1 John.Doe monitor -application ontapi -authmethod password -role vsadmin
Error: Missing value for -vserver.
cluster1::> security login create -vserver -vserver1 John.Doe monitor -application ontapi -authmethod password -role vsadmin
Error: Vserver name: Invalid. The Vserver name must begin with a letter or an underscore. Maximum supported length: 41 if Vserver is type
"sync-source", 47 otherwise.
cluster1::> security login create -vserver vs1 John.Doe monitor -application http -authmethod cert -role admin
Error: "monitor" is an invalid value for field "-application <text>"
cluster1::> security login create -vserver vs1 John.Doe admin -application http -authmethod cert -role admin
Error: "admin" is an invalid value for field "-application <text>"
ucluster1::> security login create -vserver vs1 John.Doe administrator -application ssh -authmethod cert -role admin
Error: "administrator" is an invalid value for field "-application <text>"
ucluster1::> security login create -vserver vs1 John.Doe vsadmin -application ssh cert -role admin
Error: "vsadmin" is an invalid value for field "-application <text>"
Thanks everyone for your assistance
The CLI command needs to be within quotes - here the problem is PowerShell thinks "Application" is a parameter for Invoke-NcSSH cmdlet.
Try using it like this - should work.
$cmd = "security login create -user-or-group-name `"PIE\PIE Storage Admin`" -application ssh -authentication-method domain -role admin -vserver $clustername" Invoke-NcSSH $cmd
I second Andrew's suggestion of using the New-NcUser cmdlet instead though - it's always better to use a PSTK cmdlet than use the passthrough.
It appears that sometimes it assumes a parameter is part of the command and other times it does not. I use InVoke-NcSsh a few times in my scripts and usually any options within the command are not seen as a parameter to the InVoke-NcSsh commandlet.
I apprecuate the help.