Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
First...great initial release of a powershell interface. I have been pestering my NetApp team for one for the last year. As I have started playing with it, I have noticed some things that are difficult to use. As an example, the get-nasnapshot command's accesstime property has a type of System.Int64. A date time value would have been much easier to work with. I end up using code that looks ike this:
Get-NaVol myvolume | Get-NaSnapshot | select Name, @{Name="AccessTime"; Expression = {([datetime]"1/1/1970").AddSeconds($_.AccessTime).ToLocalTime()}}
Additionally, the NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.Snapshot.SnapshotInfo object doesn't relate back to a volume. I would love to use a simple expression to find all snapshots older than 7 days on a filer (something that wsa easily doable using the CodePlex PoshOnTap project):
get-navol | get-nasnapshot | where-object {$_.AccessTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7)}) | sort AccessTime
Are there plans to release a v2 with more nice-to-haves? Am I misunderstanding the best way to accomplish some of these tasks?
Solved! See The Solution
Hi Ben,
Thanks for your feedback.
Ah the joy of converting between Windows & Unix time and vica versa. Yes it would be nice to a couple of time conversion functions.
The NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.Snapshot.SnapshotInfo object doesn't relate specifically to a volume by can be used for an aggregate snapshot as well. Perhaps "ParentObjectName" that you could alias or something? In the meantime, you might try piping the output of get-navol to a foreach, and in the foreach do you where clause...
Hi Ben,
Thanks for your feedback.
Ah the joy of converting between Windows & Unix time and vica versa. Yes it would be nice to a couple of time conversion functions.
The NetApp.Ontapi.Filer.Snapshot.SnapshotInfo object doesn't relate specifically to a volume by can be used for an aggregate snapshot as well. Perhaps "ParentObjectName" that you could alias or something? In the meantime, you might try piping the output of get-navol to a foreach, and in the foreach do you where clause...
Hi Ben
Here you go:
get-navol | foreach-object {$ParentName=$_.Name;get-nasnapshot $_.Name | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ParentName -value $ParentName -passthru} | select ParentName
ParentName Name AccessTime
---------- ---- ----------
vol0 nightly.0 6/9/2010 10:00:31 PM
vol0 hourly.0 6/9/2010 6:00:31 PM
vol0 hourly.1 6/9/2010 2:00:31 PM
vol0 hourly.2 6/9/2010 10:00:30 AM
vol0 hourly.3 6/9/2010 6:00:31 AM
vol0 nightly.1 6/8/2010 10:00:32 PM
vol0 hourly.4 6/8/2010 6:00:31 PM
vol0 hourly.5 6/8/2010 2:00:31 PM
I just add the property "ParentName" to each object output by get-nasnapshot, then add that property in my list of stuff to display with select. Could it be better? Probably; but for now it works.
Happy Scripting
Ben, I've just posted Toolkit version 1.0.1 which adds a ConvertTo-DateTime cmdlet. It's not as nice as having all the cmdlets return DateTime values, but for the time being it's a slight improvement on the solution above:
C:\PS> Get-NaSnapshot vol0 | ft Name,@{Name="AccessTime";Expression={ConvertTo-DateTime $_.AccessTime}}
Name AccessTime
---- ----------
weekly.0 6/14/2010 4:00:32 AM
benson(0118045471)_vol0_svq-src.0 6/3/2010 9:14:47 PM
hourly.0 2/12/2009 12:00:16 PM
hourly.1 2/12/2009 8:00:15 AM
nightly.0 2/12/2009 12:00:16 AM
hourly.2 2/11/2009 8:00:16 PM
hourly.3 2/11/2009 4:00:16 PM
hourly.4 2/11/2009 12:00:16 PM
hourly.5 2/11/2009 8:00:16 AM
nightly.1 2/11/2009 12:00:31 AM