Microsoft Virtualization Discussions

Unable to VMotion target to new host after SnapManager SQL clone from physical to VM


I posted this originally on another forum, but it might be more appropriate here.


We are cloning a SQL database from a physical server to a VMware virtual server. The SQL storage is on serveral FC-based LUNs, on a 7-mode system (FAS8040, DOT 8.2.2p1); the VMware storage is also FC based (same filer pair).


The clone process creates a RDM on the virtual server, a VMDK with a semi-random name each time it runs. (Different name every time.)


The problem is that when the RDM is created, it is only assigned the initiators for the VMware host server the VM is assigned to. This makes it impossible to use VMotion to relocate the virtual SQL server if there's a problem with the host. So, high availability is not possible. 


It does not appear there is a way to specify an iGroup for the SnapClone-mapped SQL LUNs on the destination VMware server.


Is it possible through PowerShell to, after the clone, modify the cloned LUN so it includes an initiator group including all initiators in the target VMware cluster?
