Discuss NetApp solutions for Microsoft Private Cloud and the Hyper-V platform, including FlexPod Datacenter, OnCommand Plug-in for Microsoft, and ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit.
Discuss NetApp solutions for Microsoft Private Cloud and the Hyper-V platform, including FlexPod Datacenter, OnCommand Plug-in for Microsoft, and ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit.
Hi everyone, I receive the 405 error trying to launch the "quota report" command via the "invoke-NcCli". Can anyone kindly give me a tip on how to resolve this if this has happened to them? Thanks a lot everybody $pippo = Invoke-NcCli -Command "quota report" -Query '{"volume":"vol_name", "vserver": "vserver_name"}' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value Invoke-NcCli : [405]: invalid operation + $pippo = Invoke-NcCli -Command "quota report" -Query '{"volume":"vol ... + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:NcController) [Invoke-NcCli], Exception + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ApiException,DataONTAP.C.PowerShell.SDK.Cmdlets.System.InvokeNcCli
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Hi I try to get performance from powershell command [Get-NcPerfData] but the [-instance] parameter seems must inupt, What's -instance parameter's value? Thanks
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When I use powershell to remove port from Default Broadcast Domain, it show me an error message But I can do the same thing in ontap cli Is any thing I miss in powershell environment? Thanks
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Hello *, after upgrading NetApp PSTK to latest version on our win 2012R2 script host and running some dr scripts i noticed a possible error/bug in "New-NcVol" command. When using the parameter -language PS runs the new new-ncvol command without any errors but no volume will be created. I tried every possible combination but no volume wil be created. When leaving out the parameter volume will be created but we need to have a different language from svm root volume. Can anyone confirm the same problem when using -language? Currently it seems like every version of PSTK has its own big bugs which leaves them nearly unusable.
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