Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
I created a script to show aggregates more than 90% full on multiple filers but they would not connect
the text file is like this:
"filer1", "filer2", "filer3"
$ntapArrays = (get-content "C:\filers.txt")
$FasUser = "root"
$FasPasswd = Read-Host "Enter password"
$SecureFasPasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $FasPasswd -AsPlainText -Force
$FasCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($FasUser, $SecureFasPasswd)
Foreach ($array in $ntapArrays) {
connect-nacontroller -Name $array -Credential $FasCred
Get-Naaggr | select homename, SizePercentageUsed, name | ? {$_.SizePercentageUsed -gt 90} | ft -AutoSize
the error messages is
Connect-NaController : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Name' because it is a
n empty string.
At C:\script2.ps1:30 char:27
+ connect-nacontroller -Name <<<< $array -Credential $FasCred
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Connect-NaController], Paramet
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAl
what am I doing wrong?
Solved! See The Solution
The way you are saving filer names in filers.txt is wrong, you need to append them as below
The way you are saving filer names in filers.txt is wrong, you need to append them as below
OK, the Controllers are connecting now but I still don't get the aggregates info. Something is wrong here:
Foreach ($array in $ntapArrays) {
connect-nacontroller -Name $array -Credential $FasCred
Get-Naaggr | select homename, SizePercentageUsed, name | ? {$_.SizePercentageUsed -gt 90} | ft -AutoSize
What is the output of
Get-NaAggr | select homename,SizePercentageUsed,name | ft -AutoSize
Can you confirm that you do have aggregates whose SizePercentageUsed is greater than 90?SizePercentageUsed is greater than 90?
Vinith, you were right. That list didn't have aggregate with more than 90%
Thank you
Thank You For letting us know that
Hi Joel,
Instead of "filer1", "filer2", "filer3" save your txt as filer1,filer2,filer3
You can do it this way :
$ntapArrays = (get-content "C:\filers.txt")
$ntapArrays = $filertxt.Split(',')
Foreach ($array in $ntapArrays) {
OK, the Controllers are connecting now but I still don't get the aggregates info. Something is wrong here:
Foreach ($array in $ntapArrays) {
connect-nacontroller -Name $array -Credential $FasCred
Get-Naaggr | select homename, SizePercentageUsed, name | ? {$_.SizePercentageUsed -gt 90} | ft -AutoSize
The easiest thing to do here is to list them in a text file as stated above
Then just do
$filers = gc c:\filers.txt
That will create the array
Then just put that array into a loop
$filers | % {
$c = connect-nacontroller $_
Put code here
Also, you are doing something wrong in my opinion. You need to put your where clause before your select statement.
Get-Naaggr | ? {$_.SizePercentageUsed -gt 90}| select homename, SizePercentageUsed, name | | ft -AutoSize
Thank you all - I will apply the advices
Joel -
What your doing will look good if you want to stare at the screen - But you do you really want to do that. Powershell is all about automation.
You want to have this as a scheduled tasks that emails you a report.
So, here's the basics.
$globalarray = @()
$filers | % {
$filer = $_
$c = connet-nacontroller $filer
$aggr = get-naaggr | ? {$_.SizePercentageUsed -gt 10}
if ($aggr -ne $NUll) {
$aggr | % {
$customobject = new-object psobject
Add-Member -inputobject $customobject -membertype Noteproperty -name filer -value $filer
Add-Member -inputobject $customobject -membertype Noteproperty -name "Aggr" -value $
Add-Member -inputobject $customobject -membertype Noteproperty -name "total size" -value (convertto-formattednumber $_.totalsize datasize "0.0")
Add-Member -inputobject $customobject -membertype Noteproperty -name "% used" -value (convertto-formattednumber $_.used percent)
$globalarray += $customobject
$globalarray | ft -autosize
$globalarray | export-csv c:\temp\aggrereport.csv -notypeinformation.
Do some reading on custom objects and see if you can come up with sending this report to you..