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Microsoft Virtualization Discussions
Set-NcQuota accepts a Disklimit in bytes.Get-NcQuota returns Disklimit in kilobytes.This is confusing and difficult when used in scripts.I think this is a bug.Toolkit version = 4.5Cluster Ontap Version: NetApp Release 9.1P3To reproduce:Set-NcQuota -User 'domain\user' -volume testvolume - disklimit 3500MB -vservercontext VS0(Get-NcQuota -Type User -Target 'domain\user' -volume testvolume -vservercontext VS0).Disklimit / 1MBI'm transforming a 7-Mode script to Cluster-Mode.Get-NaQuota & Set-NaQuota work as expected.
Hello @koenraad0,
This does appear to be a "quirk" of the PowerShell Toolkit. The API returns values in KB. I created a bug (#1128658).
Hey Andrew, is there a fix forthcoming? We ran into the same issue.
Get-NcQuotaReport also reports space usage in KB. Kind of annoying and un-PowerShell. 🙁