Hi there,
even tho, you want this topic to be closed, I can give you (hopefully) the answer you want.
For the Ontap Tools it does not matter if the size of the luns/volumes are in TB,GB, Gib, Mib or anything. You always get the "raw" bits and bytes as output from the Cmdlet.
I think, you want something like this?
$VolTotalSize = $null
$VolUsedSize = $null
$GetNcVols = Get-NcVol
foreach($Vol in $GetNcVols){
$VolTotalSize = $VolTotalSize + $Vol.TotalSize
$VolUsedSize = $VolUsedSize + $Vol.Used
Write-Host "Used-Capacity: $VolUsedSize`nTotal-Capacity: $VolTotalSize`nFree-Capacity $(($VolTotalSize - $VolUsedSize) / 1048576)"
I think? That is what you want. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, if anything is unclear (or if I understood it wrong :D)
Best regards