NetApp Learning Services Discussions

NSO-002 exam questions not covered in the WBT training


Hello there, 

I need to find the answers to the NSO-002 exam.......not so much the answers more where do you find the information to be able to pass the exam. The WBT training videos just aren't up to the task for the actual exam questions. 

I have sat this exam 3 time now (at great expense) and the WBT's does not cover some of the exam questions in my opinion. 

Has someone from NetApp reviewed these exam questions and then reviewed the WBT training? there seems to be a big disconnect between the WBT and the actual exam questions.


Thanks very much 



Personally, I've found that (for any vendor) a WBT module on a given topic is usually not enough by itself to yield a passing score. For NetApp exams specifically, I've found that reviewing the reference document for the exam (found under the "Prepare for your Exam" header HERE) can be really helpful. In addition, the practice exam is a great source for topics that might warrant further research as well. 


I would brush up on Docker/Kubernetes fundamentals too if you haven't already, there were quite a few questions related to those technologies on the exam, if I recall correctly. 


Hope that helps! 




I've been on the team that wrote the NCDA for the last 2 years and the questions are thoroughly vetted on all NetApp Exams by SMEs (subject matter experts) and NetApp employees.      


The online training is good,  but the tests are not written 100% for the online training.   If they were, we'd just be testing your memorization,  not your knowledge.     


Here's some reading for ya, not related to the NS0-002 specifically, but the cert writing process we go through.


hey there and thanks very much for the speedy response,

I think we may have had a beer or two together at insight 2018 cause I remember Alun very well especially when the band were on and we were all sitting round a table full of empties.


Yeah I understand that these exams are not designed to be a test from memory. I mean. it took me 5 months 20 hours a week to scrap the NCDA exam and considering I hadn't even seen or touched a NetApp system I thought that was pretty good going. I pretty much relied on 12+ years working in Storage but especially now as they are pushing cloud and i have no experience in cloud environments at the moment.

oh yes Docker/Kubernetes fundamentals i have reviewed that WBT many times the problem is for me is no hands on experience.


Thanks for the advice i will need to do more reading !!!!




Ha ha,  probably! Alun is a memorable dude too!.  


The NS0-002 threw me a few curveballs as well honestly.   😉 
