NetApp Learning Services Discussions

New vClassroom Course: Cloud Volumes ONTAP Deployment and Management for Azure


We are happy to announce the release of a new Data Fabric training:  Cloud Volumes ONTAP Deployment and Management for Azure.


Integrating Hybrid Clouds  with NetApp Data Fabric was a 4 days training focusing on our Cloud portfolio, and implementing it with HAnds-on labs. The Azure portion was not very extended, so we decided to cerate a brand new training focusing exclusively on Azure.


The Cloud Volumes ONTAP Deployment and Management for Azure class can be found here:


A couple of points about this class:

  1. It is a cloud only lab environment, meaning everything happens on Azure cloud.
  2. You bring your own account, instructions are provided on how to create a new Azure account.
  3. It is self-paced.  Only time consideration is how long you want Azure resources being charged.
  4. You should be able to do all exercises for less than $50 if you are judicious with shutting down VMs.
  5. Since no special staging build it uses NetApp Cloud Central and is based on ONTAP 9.4.
  6. It is open to NetApp Employees, partners and customers.





Followed lab guide ( STRSW-WBT-CVODMA - CVO Deployment and Management for Azure) as closley as possible but it's screen shots no longer match Azure screens when deploying VM's.    I verified network connectivity with the Windows and Linux servers but after creating Cloud Manager VM multiple times I continue to get

"Cloud Manager could not connect to Netapp Cloud Central" error when browsing  to it's public address.  (http:// public IP address. )  The URL changes to "!/auth0-setup-failed-register" when displaying the error.     Are there  configuration steps not covered in the existing lab guide?


Contrary to the lab guide's approach, I decided to just execute the steps outlined in the video using the json file with the subscription id, as if Cloud Manager was going to be installed from Cloud Central.  However, I stopped after those 2 steps.  To my surprise,  browsing to the Cloud Manager's publc IP again, it connected to Netapp Cloud Central and I got CVO installed.  Not sure why but it worked.
