Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Thanks for your help!
Hi there!
I'm afraid I cannot help at the moent because I'm facing NDMP problem as well.
Could you be so kind and inform me how did you manage to connect tape library to FAS2020?
My configuration is: blade servers with FC cards, SAN swithes, IBM TS3100 FC library, FAS2020 filler with two FC controllers. The blade servers works using XenServer virtualisation platform and four paths to the filler.
I hope I made zoning corretly - tape drive to one filler's port 0b. But the filler doesn't discover tape drive.
I have red at NetApp KB that it's impossible to connect filler and tape (even through switch) on the same port.
Is it true? What is your experience?
Thank you for help.
First of all: I was able to solve this issue by starting from scratch and reconfiguring everything. Not sure what caused it in the first place.
To answer your question: My tape device is attached to a physical server, not the NetApp.
Hi Maciej,
I have red at NetApp KB that it's impossible to connect filler and tape (even through switch) on the same port.
What do you exactly mean by that? Connect some hosts & tape to the same port on the NetApp filer? This is not possible, indeed.
Any given port on the filer can act as:
a) target - for presenting storage to hosts acting as initiators
b) initiator - so the tape (target) sees the filer as a backup source (a kind of a host in fact)
The trouble is you can't configure a port to be a target & an initiator at the same time.
Just out of curiosity, what type of throughput are you seeing to your tape drive? How much data are you able to back up per hour?
It's around 3GB/min.