You cannot do it in a file based. you can do it in the scripted way. or to orchestrate a text file with CLI's... in my case - i have all the shares pre-created on both clusters and a nightly script that validate their setting and permission to be equal.
#region connect
$Cdotcred = Import-Clixml -Path "C:\edited\edited.xml"
$CdotClusters = 'clustername1','clustername2'
$ClustersSessions = Connect-NcController ($CdotClusters) -HTTPS -Credential $CdotCred -ErrorVariable gidiout
#endregion connect
#region Check that cifs shares matched between Prod and DR
$CifsSharesThatDontHaveExactMatchInDR = Get-NcCifsShare -Controller $CustersSessions | select Vserver,ShareName,
@{Name='ShareProperties';Expression={$($_.ShareProperties | sort) -join ';'}},
@{Name='Acl';Expression={$_.Acl -join ';'}} | Group-Object path,sharename,ACL,ShareProperties | ? count -lt 2 | select -ExpandProperty Group | sort ShareName # Will only output issues
#endregion Check that cifs shares matched between Prod and DR