Here is the deal, we have an older FAS3210 that we thought would be a great repo for backups. NFS vols only go up to 50TB so I thought that we would create a 2nd volume to utilize all of the space. After creating the first volume I mounted it on my Linux backup server with no issues. I created the 2nd volume gave it the same permissions as the first volume in the exports and attempted to mount it. I added it to the fstab to ensure that it auto mounts on reboot and then ran a mount -a. It didn't error out however when I attempted to browse to the directory it hung and then timed out saying permission denied. This is odd since it's exactly the same as the first volume from a permission standpoint.
Here are the mount options from the client: 172.x.x.x:/vol/NFS1 /mnt/veeam_repo02 nfs rsize=65536,wsize=65536,timeo=14,intr
From the client logs I see:
kernel: nfs: server 172.x.x.x OK
nfs: server 172.x.x.x not responding, still trying
From the netapp I tried the following after using the "OnCommand System Manager" to create the volume and adjust the export settings
exportfs -io rw=172.x.x.x /vol/NFS1 and I see this node when I got to the rdfile /etc/rmtab but still i'm not able to mount this. I have tried mounting it from other servers and that is unsuccessful as well. The original mount is working great but for the life of me I can't figure out how to mount this second volume. Any ideas?
BTW i'm not that familiar with Netapp so please dumb down any suggestions for me. Thanks.