Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I created a vol which has been assigned to prod vfiler and exported to both prod and test servers.
I can ping the test sever from the prod vfiler, but when admin is trying to mount the volume .. he gets permission denied error.
Check exports on the vfiler exportfs -c and showmount -e on the host to see permissions...
from Filer level:
NAS01> vfiler run prd_vfiler exportfs -c 172.x.x,x /vol/prd_vfiler_apo
===== prd_vfiler
exportfs [prd_vfiler]: 172.x.x.x has mount access to /vol/prd_vfiler_apo
from Vfiler level:
prd_vfiler@NAS01> exportfs -c 172.x.x.x /vol/prd_vfiler_apo
exportfs [prd_vfiler]: 172.x.x.x does not have mount access to /vol/prd_vfiler_apo (Access denied)
i did add the route also as:
route add 172.x.x.x(server ip) 172.x.x.x(gateway) 1
now.. before i updated the route table for prd_vfiler.. i was able to ping test server..
after adding the gateway by command (route add test_server gateway 1) to the route table, i cannot ping the test server...
i had to delete that entry then i was able to ping back
did any one see this type of issue where you need to share out same volume to two different servers (prod and dev) which are in different subnets.
First make sure you can ping the filer from both prod and test and ping both prod and test from the filer. If your IP connectivity is not working NFS never will.
Second you can create the export to allow for multiple hosts or subnets to connect, this is a per-(v)filer configuration. What are the exports defined on the vfiler?
i can ping the serevrs to and fro from filer.
but my quest is how to export a vol to 2 diff servers which are in 2 diff subnets. ( is it poss ?)
Sure, you can have a volume exported so anything in the world can mount it, so no one can and anything between.
What are the contents of /etc/exports on the filer that's not working and what is the IP address of the host you want to be able to mount the volume from?
On filer..we did split into two.. default_ipspace ( Prod ) and dev_Ipspace ( dev/test )
so i created a vfiler assgined through default_ipspace, exported volumes to both prod and test servres.
prod servers -- successfully able to mount the volumes
test sevres -> cannot mount ( because vfiler is created in Prod ( default_ipspace ) and test serves are comming thorugh dev_ipspace )
so if test servers wanna come into Pord they need to come through firewall
and we don wanna open firewall ports for each and every test server which needs access to prod.
inorder to do that i merged both ipspaces on Filer and now i shared the volumes from the filer level which solved our issue.