Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I have 2.4 TB aggr with 3 volumes.
volume1 is 1 TB with 300 GB free space with 700 GB actual data.
volume 2 is 1 TB ONLY 58 GB FREE SPACE WITH JUST 650 GB ACTUAL DATA (where is the reamining space)the space guarantee shows "volume-disbaled" for this volume
volume 3 is 400 GB with 50 GB free space with 300 GB actual data.
Please see the PIC for more details
There could be a number of reasons for this behaviour, most of them associated with the aggregate running out of space.
Try typing "volume guarantee disabled" in the search field on NOW & you will get links to a number of Knowledgebase Articles.
In particular these two seems to be helpful: (if you are on ONTAP prior to 7.3) (if you just upgraded to 7.3)
Do you want to enable space reservation ?
if yes, you can simply type : vol options <vol-name> guarantee=volume
Can you say, what kind of data is inside volume 2. As I can read it properly, you are wondering where has the space gone ?
Can you describe it better ?
I have already set the guarantee option to VOLUME. But it shows disabled.
Its an one TB volume with 825 GB of LUN ( No space reservation) inside.
Now i am working in the below link to find out solution for my problem
Please go through attached doc to get the situtauion in detail...
Aggregate 'aggr1'
Total space WAFL reserve Snap reserve Usable space BSR NVLOG A-SIS
2921GB 292GB 131GB 2498GB 0KB 262GB
Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate
Volume Allocated Used Guarantee
vmvolume00 1029GB 563GB volume
vmvolume01 731GB 726GB volume(disabled)
vmvolume02 402GB 172GB volume
Aggregate Allocated Used Avail
Total space 2163GB 1461GB 72GB
Snap reserve 131GB 15GB 116GB
WAFL reserve 292GB 30GB 261GB