Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
Dear all,
I am new to NetApp storage environment, i did not find any proper procedure or instructions to find VMs belongs to VMware or Hyper-V connected to which LUN, In system manager when I select my desired LUN to find which VMs connected to this LUN i can see three initiator groups and 17 initiators. people are saying we can find connected VMs through these igroups but i have no clue kindly guide me to find vms. my netapp version is 9.1p3.
Hi Nivas,
I would start by ensuring you have ActiveIQ Unified Manager installed and configure to communicate with your NetApp Cluster(s) as well as vCenter(s). Once they are connected, it will tie things together so nicely and provide much more visibility into your environment.
I can't speak to the Hyper-V side of things, sorry.
i have not installed ActiveIQ Unified Manager, My NetApp ONTAP version is 9.1P3. I would like to find the things with current configurations, please guide me through igroups, and initiators to find VMs connected to LUN.
Dear Starkzhou,
Here -fields serial-hex means initiators number? Please explain more
if i use -fields serial-hex command i am getting result as below:
vserver as svm01 path as /vol/vol1/testnew\archives serail-hex as 2839014143344b334d123622 so how can i use above result to find VMs... Kindly reply
Hi Nivas, Click on the VM from the Vcenter and navigate it to configure-->devicebacking and copy the naa id.
compare it with the lun show -fields serial-hex
Hi Nivas, Click on the VM from the Vcenter and navigate it to configure-->devicebacking and copy the naa id. Use the command
lun show -serial-hex <naa id >
Hi Vijay,
when I use lun show -serial-hex naa.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I got an error saying that "is an invalid for field "-serial-hex <Hex String>"
otherwise if possible is there anyway i can find through menu driven procedure.. if not possible by cmdlet,, even though it is tedious.. please let me know.. how to find VMs connected to which LUN in netapp in other words how to find how many VMs connected to particular LUN in netapp.
Hi Nivas,
remove the naa mentioned in the command. for example if the naa id of the VM is naa.600a0980383046786bxxxd7250747xx1, then the command should be:
Ex: lun show -serial-hex 383046786bxxxd7250747xx1.
Naa is the terminology used and 600a0980 refers to the NetApp vendor.
Also, from Vcenter you can go to the VM and click on datastore where it is hosted and from the datastore you navigate it to configure-->devicebacking-->make a note of the Naa id.
Initiate the command lun show -fields serial-hex , to list all the luns with the serial-hex value, compare it with the naa id you have taken from the vCenter. the one that hits are the luns used for the VMs
Hi Vijay,
I am able to find Vcenter > host > storage devices... there i can find some Naa ids.. but for VM i cant find naa id...
thank you very much for your patience, is it possible to find through menu driven procedure to find which VMs connected to which LUN.. even though the process is tedious... i hope you understand,
Hi Nivas,
VM will be hosted on the datastore and datastore in return will have an naa id.
Click on the datastore tab and select the datastore -->VMs to see what are all the VMs hosted on that datastore.
Also from datastore navigate to configure-->device backing to find the naa id of the datastore.
Kindly use the below command
Ex: lun show -serial-hex 383046786bxxxd7250747xx1.
Kindly note 600a0980 refers to the NetApp vendor.
Try this command, which can view the Serial Number
Then find the Serial Number on vmware