Network and Storage Protocols

How to find the NetApp cluster to which a volume belongs from NFS FPolicy XML request




I have configured NetApp FPolicy on a NFS volume. The FPolicy server I have developed get requests from NetApp. I am filtering the following operations (NFS_REN, NFS_REN_DIR, NFS_DEL, NFS_DEL_DIR, NFS_SET_ATTR).


I am using Data ONTAP 9.1. In the respose that NetApp sends, I have volume-msid from which I can find the volume to which a file belongs.


But if a user has multiple NetApp clusters, is there some way to identify from which cluster the request has come? i.e. Suppose a user has two NetApp physical clusters and SVMs on both clusters with FPolicy configured for SVMs in both clusters. 


From the NFS XML request that NetApp sends to FPolicy server, can I figure out which NetApp cluster hosts the SVM that is sending out the request?


Here is a sample response that I got for Rename of a file.





Thanks for your help! 
