Customer used to mount an NFS share on a 7-mode system using the following string:
IP:/EXPORT /MountPoint nfs rw,user,nolock,vers=3,bg,soft,acl,_netdev 0 0
He told me he has always been able to execute files inside the mount point (regardless of the user flag which has noexec as an implication).
So, recently, the volume the export above was migrated to ONTAP (9.7). Customer continued to mount with the same NFS mount options, but now the OS is recognizing the noexec flag.
IP:/EXPORT /MountPoint nfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,...
Customer asked if there is any option on ONTAP (export or volume) that changed the behaviour. Any thoughts?
I told him that when using the user flag, he must explicitly user the exec flag after it to have the desired executions permissions.