Hi folks - well since I'm not having any luck elsewhere - I'm having an issue with NFS default permissions in a VMware ESXi environment.
In the past, when I created a new volume for NFS, I could go directly to vCenter and mount the NFS export, and write to it (create VMDKs, etc)
Now, if I create a new volume for NFS, I'm able to mount it OK in ESXi however I cannot write to it.
To work around - in System Manager I have to go to Exports highlight my export path and edit the permissions, and set "Grant root access to all hosts" under Anonymous Access.
I have to do this for EACH export. Is there a way to apply a configuration where I would no longer need to do this each time I create or clone a new volume for NFS export, and my ESXi hosts will have read/write access?
I know I can define access for each volume using root=IPaddrofmyVMhost but I would like to make this global on my filer