Network and Storage Protocols
Network and Storage Protocols
I have a NTFS style qtree that is accessed by Windows users.
I also have an NFS export configured on this same qtree, and use a mapping in usermap.cfg to map a UNIX UID to Windows which allows the UNIX user access to the NFS export:
domain\user <= unixuser
This works great and allows "unixuser" access to the NFS export on the UNIX machine. However, I now need to allow multiple UNIX users access to this NFS export. How can I do this? I'm not able to map groups, and I don't think I can map one Windows user to multiple UNIX users.
Any ideas?
This is known as a mixed mount which are wonderful. Just get the UID from the unix users and add them to the passwd file. Are these other users AD as well, b/c if so you want to make sure your unix id nad AD account matches
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12 марта 2014 г., в 21:17, "JGPSHNTAP" <<>> написал(а):
Re: NTFS style qtree with NFS export
created by JGPSHNTAP<> in Data ONTAP - View the full discussion<>
This is known as a mixed mount which are wonderful. Just get the UID from the unix users and add them to the passwd file. Are these other users AD as well, b/c if so you want to make sure your unix id nad AD account matches
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Mixed mode is orthogonal to this problem and usually creates more problems than it solves. The best solution is to ensure one to one mapping between Windows and Unix users. If it is not possible, poor man's group access can be implemented by mapping multiple Unix users to the same Windows user and adding ACLs for this user.
Thanks. I ended up mapping one Windows user to two separate UNIX users and it seems to be working fine.
na\windowsuser <= unixuser1
na\windowsuser <= unixuser2