One of my customer is using netapp server to transfer scanned document to remote server. Transfer is always getting failed when the customer chooses smb2 as protocol. network trace for the failure says, server throws "STATUS_FILE_CLOSED" error while closing the file. since the file has not properly closed our client is deleting the file. Reason for this error is 'INVALID FILE ID'. as by going through network trace we found that file id created from server doesn't looks correct. it is coming as all zero's. i compared the same with working case, there i could see a unique id is coming each time. This file id generated is completely depends on server side. Is there any settings or any case at netapp server which causes this behavior?. i have attached my error screen shots here.
Below image shows the error throwed from server

This is the File id generated from server

I am struggling more in this. kindly help me to find solution for this.
hearty thanks in advance,